Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
Guys, dont buy ANY armbraces.
I bought some, without knowing about the exploit. I'm banned now, Permanent. ~Prof. |
Did you pay a very low amount for them?
Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
Guys, dont buy ANY armbraces.
I bought some, without knowing about the exploit. I'm banned now, Permanent. ~Prof. |
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by acidic
put out an announcement and ban anyone that trade armbraces simple as that. Don't waste man-hours sifting on tracking just let Darwin do the work and perm bans with no appeals plz.
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
Yah an annoucement on log in screen warning of purchasing amrbraces would be nice.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Malice Black
I'm buying and selling them like hotcakes. Easy money.
No risk, no profit. Ban? perhaps Do I care? nah, game is past dead anyway. |
Prof Of Black
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
When did you buy the armbraces?
Did you pay a very low amount for them? |
Prof Of Black
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Prof of Black: If you think you are innocent, appeal. If you are innocent, I'm sure they will reinstate you.
One thing to learn from all this: Greed is Bad. I learned this back when I was a noob and lost 4 Black Dye (back when Black Dye was worth over 10,000 gold) by being greedy and trying to sell it to a player rather than get a little less from the Trader. I got scammed and learned a valuable lesson: Greed is bad. If you see a deal that's "Too good to be true", it probably is. Be suspicious, be cautious, and look up the value of everything before you trade it. That's the best way to keep from being scammed, banned or anything else bad happening to you. Peace. |
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Malice Black
wow lol you're all like frightened deers staring into the headlights of an on coming car.
I posted the other post to prove a point..I won't get banned, you're all crying over nothing. Check back with me in a week, I'll still have my account. |
Malice Black
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Bart, I played Runescape for 2+ years, and owned one of the items you're talking about. Your information is a tad incorrect.
These rare items were a christmas drop that were tradebale, and just became more expensive because people were destroying them and there was no way to get them. There was no legitamte reason to ban people or remove them. It wasn't a bug that they were tradeable, and not a bug they would never drop again. They're like the asian minipets. ~Edit, I AGREE that a lot of online gamers get rich by exploiting the exploited, your idea is correct. But back on topic, yes, it's a very bad idea to buy or sell armbraces now. Even if you trade a duped one in for a tormented item, you're still going to be traced if you held it, and the tormented item has the code that was given from the NPC for the code of the armbrace, so you're still traceable. I personally bought a tormented sheild today (For the normal amount, I did not buy it from someone who was trying to get rid of thier items for a cheap price), but before I found out about the duping. I'm debating selling it, though the seller swears that his armbrace was legit, even though he bought it from someone else two days ago. I don't want to be banned or risk it vanishing on me, that's a lot of money. However, there's not much chance it's an illegal item, being most armbraces that were duped were cleared from all the bans of the stack traders. |
Chaos Theory Pvp
Originally Posted by KillaKarl
dont worry man your safe, gaile said they only looking for ppl who either duped, or bought them at ridiculously low prices, therefore if you bought at 100k+40e your fine
Originally Posted by Chaos Theory Pvp
I've never heard so much crap in all my life, there are armbraces in the game and you could get banned for buying one or two LOL,. ive never heard so much bull... millions of players dont' know what's happened in the last few days , log on and buy and get banned, if this happened A.net don't deserve to run a game.
Originally Posted by kooomar
Ok, quick post, maybe people will agree with this, STOP BUYING ARMBRACES. If anything, we should be protesting the people selling them for cheap to rid their account of them, not helping them. I agree, people with legit armbraces have it rough right now, and I fell absolutely terrible for you, but these "
WTB armbrace 50k, HAVE to stop. Wait till anet figures out more action to take, or until more bans are issued, but by feeding these people purging themselves of armbraces, you are killing the market. Not just on armbraces, on everything. I'm sure people will disagree with me, but it'd be comforting to know that some agree. I just hate seeing people that are ALMOST as bad as the dupers that are trying to buy for 10k. Please, just stop. /my 2 bits Koo Ooomar |
Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
Guys, dont buy ANY armbraces.
I bought some, without knowing about the exploit. I'm banned now, Permanent. ~Prof. |
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Because I'm not stupid.
Malice Black
Prof Of Black
Originally Posted by KillaKarl
dont worry man your safe, gaile said they only looking for ppl who either duped, or bought them at ridiculously low prices, therefore if you bought at 100k+40e your fine
Originally Posted by Malice Black
I like talking with my guildies, sue me
Originally Posted by Malice Black
No risk, no profit.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
I bought 6 of them at 50e each.
I'm banned now. ~Prof. |
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
Yah an annoucement on log in screen warning of purchasing amrbraces would be nice.
I am amazed people are hurrying to make a few hundred platinum and risk losing their accounts permanently. |
Originally Posted by kooomar
Ignorance can never be used as an excuse, in real life or this game.
I drove down a street where the roadblocks were moved aside once. I got a ticket, cause a cop was waiting around the corner. I HONESTLY didn't know that was a ticketable offense, but, sure enough I got one. It IS your own duty to know what's going on. |
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by kooomar
It goes beyond reducing the prices of Arms, it reduces the price of everything. And if that happens for too long, everything will be worthless. Sue, there will be people that will say "awesome, I can get a crystalline for 20k now" Yeah, that is awesome until you realize you and the other 100 people with the same mentality are the only ones still playing.
You can't see me
Originally Posted by Malice Black
I'm buying and selling them like hotcakes. Easy money.
No risk, no profit. Ban? perhaps Do I care? nah, game is past dead anyway. |
Originally Posted by SpotJorge
and Gaylle why isnt in GW login screen a message alerting players for this situation like anet did with buy gold ???
You can't see me
Originally Posted by SpotJorge
Well this situation went out of control but seems its starting to get solved, my question is simple
where is writen in gw manual that every player should be registered in guru and read this forum to know whats happening .... i sujest to all guild leaders to advise theyr players about this because many of them dont even have a clue of what is happening .... and you must admit thats very tempating to anyone that dont know nothing about this to buy any stuff at good price and Gaylle why isnt in GW login screen a message alerting players for this situation like anet did with buy gold ??? is it guru forum (that i like) that owns Guild Wars or is ANET ? |
Malice Black
Originally Posted by You can't see me
I didn't know that someone could fit so many ignorant flaws into such small sentances. You sir, astound me.
First off, Your no risk no profit saying is deeply in the wrong. There is nowhere in the game where you must risk your account to get a profit. I make a bloody good profit and I don't put my account on the line for it. It's called honest money. If you want to be the one with red hands when Arenanet turns up our palms, that's your business, but I'd ask that you do NOT post it to set an example for everyone else. To even quote Gaile Grey, the Arenanet Rep that I'm sure you read up on her post "Why risk your account for a stolen TV? It's not worth it." |
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Secondly, If you don't care if you're banned, I wouldn't be arguing your point or giving your moneymaking advice to anyone on this post that doesn't want to be. GW:EN is coming out, GW2 will be out next year, I still haven't accomplished all I want to accomplish, so I and others will keep playing, and keep our healthy fear of the shovel Arenanet holds over our ant-like toons.
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Third, If the game is dead, why are you still playing it? I hardly beleive it's "Dead" as I have played many MoMRPG's online and have seen games that recovered from far worse things than this. You run away too easily. As for your deer and headlights example, I'm pretty sure you're not the one to talk about this sort of metaphor.
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Last of all, that signiture under your posts shouldn't be taken as lightly as to flaunt your uncaringness to the rest of us. Maybe you should weigh it again for the sake of everyone that sees it as an example to follow. For god's sake, stop throwing it around like a toy in front of everyone. It's not something to be taken lightly. When I see a Guru mod flaunting the example to exploit the exploited at risk of banning, I question how he got his status -.-
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Again, you astound me.
Originally Posted by SumXone
no it is not.
and pls never compare a game to real life, thats just... sad. on the road, there are clear rules how to drive, where to drive and how fast to drive. they make you take a test. even in america. when i have to drive slow, there is a sign that tells me so. in gw there are no signs telling me how much to pay for what. |