Well, after 13 months of being in my former guild (12 months as an Officer), which has declined a scant 30 listed members (about 6 active everyday), I'm way past boredom and have come to the decision of looking for a new guild...
What I'm looking/not looking for:
1. An ACTIVE PvE guild (50+) with a solid core (active daily) membership on an American server;
2. Luxon...although it really doesn't matter as much as "active";
3. Vent and an active forum(s)...though I'd *sigh* go back to TS, if need be;
4. Interested/active in HM missions;
5. NO faction farming required (I'm not interested in holding a town);
6. Not looking for an Officer position, though I've recruited and have been PvE/Events Officer.
Have I mentioned "active"???
What you'll get:
1. An ACTIVE player (5400+ hours in 23 months) - I'm on nearly every evening CST and about 24/7 on weekends);
2. An experienced Ranger (20 million XP w/o the use of a scroll) and all lvl 20 heroes;
3. Nearly UAX and have 2 other lvl 20 characters I sometimes play;
4. Willing to help where needed/when asked;
5. Maturity (retired military but still young and "working"...this whole work concept is highly overrated ) and a sense of humor;
6. I own and have completed all 3 campaigns (presently at 20 titles & on the verge of 6 more);
7. An interest in PvP (yes, I have some fame) though I prefer PvE;
8. A GW:EN player...
So, if you feel that I'd fit in to your guild/alliance, just PM me via this forum (sorry, chances are I'm set to "away" doing HM missions for pm's in game), invite me to your Vent for a chat, or pass me over...either way, thanks much for your time!
IGN: Minas Of Uruguay
Very Exp Player Seeks Active Guild...
El Presidente