Tyria's Next Top Superstar Applications

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Total: 19 Still Dervishless, and Assassinless.

Total time till application closes: 24 hours and 37 minutes.

The application's and pictures you have been sending in, are being compiled in a thread on my private forum, for those that choose you lucky applicants to view.

Everything will be submitted to the e-mail address provided earlier in this thread. The public can't see everything you know. :P. Not even my judges! *pets judges* it's ok guys. :P

Each shot you submit is counted as part of your application portfolios. Why, you may ask? Because it shows improvements. For those of you that have bothered to resubmit shots, they are improving, I'll reveal that much. :P

So, at that note, good luck to all again, and more applications will always be accepted up until the deadline.



Bad Romance

Join Date: May 2006

Aussie Trolling Crew HQ - Grand Matron


I had to submit an entry this time as well... I just couldn't help myself! I sent in my mes this time, she's been spoiled as a clothes horse for so long, so if I get in then she'll finally have a use for it all.

(Emma I hope you've entered! <3 )

Emma Foxx

Emma Foxx

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007

We Brake For Turtles [Stop]


Arala! I did decide to enter. x]

How've you been, I've not talked to you in ages! o.o;

I hope you are Troy are well. <3

mojave mango juice

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Was gonna enter, but real-life (yes, there is such a thing! ) has made it difficult for me to play much over the past few days, and possibly longer. So I'll just sit here and cheer you all on.

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


13 hours, and 46 minutes!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Ahh, soo exciting. So much competition. Even those who said weren't thinking about entering are looking so good!

Stalker, what time tomorrow are you going to be posting the results :/ Got to leave later in the day?

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


I had stated earlier in the thread that i was going to give the people choosing applications, a day or two depending on how long they take on them.

Also, since I fail at posting the right date, (I believe it should say the 24th).

I completely confused myself with the timing on it, but nonetheless. The apps close in (since i forgot i was basing this off of eastern time as well) 12 hours and 28 minutes. (i'm just going to close it at midnight my time, so 2am eastern.

Sali Su and co.

Sali Su and co.

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

New Zealand


golly i'm so nervous lol! I think all us mesmer applicants must be haha. Good luck to all y'all! Either way I'll definately be following this competition closely - just hopefully as a competitor heh.

I love Perynne's ritualist - especially how the pose works in that picture - so cool!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

I'm nervous too! Good luck to everyone! The shots all of you posted are wonderful. I can't wait to see more!

Queen Kitiara

Queen Kitiara

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007


[Rain] Alliance "Bring on the Reign"


EEK! Where'd the time go??? I was going to do one last relook/reshoot to see if I can do annnnnny better (that my novice brain can comprehend) for my application....11:18pm! /runs back to Tombs of Ages /sprint!

Nervous too! guess reshooting is how i keep the nerves at bay...so many pretty rits, mesmers, and elems >.< my warrior is PRAYING that GWEN will have some better more revealing armor so I can somehow compete wardrobe wise with you smexy beasts ha ha haha.

If anyone sees a female warr in new duds (GWEN) during the preview will you post it for me? I know I will have to hock out some cash to make these shots look half as pretty as the armor I see on those rits >.<

Good luck everyone! I sure hope and would be honored to get a chance to compete w/ youuuuuuu!

<3 Queen Kitiara

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


You guys have 1 hour, and 45 minutes till applications or modifications will be closed!

Queen Kitiara

Queen Kitiara

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007


[Rain] Alliance "Bring on the Reign"


Okay I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!

I tried every other angle and hill in ToA and didn't see a better shot so here it is :P my final submit...crosses fingers and please critiquers >.< be kind...this is my first time but feedback/ guidance is most gratefully appreciated I would want to know what more I can do if I don't make it.

By the way....for those of you wondering about changes for GWEN...Lion's Arch is having earthquakes! 75 minutes to go....

Good luck all!
May we resist the urge to reload this page to death looking for results ha ha!

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Alright everyone. Applications closed, good luck to everyone. Results will be posted ASAP.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006



In a momentary lapse of sanity, I sent in an application...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


I Need Scissors [Aivo]


Random encounter in, surprise surprise, LA ed1:

Ren approves of the competition .

Best of luck, everyone!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Kitiara, you're not the only new model out there... *hides into the grass*
I sent an application. Can't wait for the results !

(lol, I just saw we could see her panties XD)

This application made me learnt something...
It is hard to pick a place to shoot in Seborhin >.<

Okay, no panties this time...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Europe - Italy


This is my submit...yes....another mesmer!! I really like this idea, the Contest etc... GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!

Queen Kitiara

Queen Kitiara

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007


[Rain] Alliance "Bring on the Reign"


Yayyyyyyy! Way to go guys! glad u entered Torikae! and u2 Alicendre (cool shot btw)! and I can't believe we have another Queen! (so cute avatar)

Renn! OMG I had like a huge party search window in front of me and didn't see u >.< I'm such a moron! It was 2am for me and I wasn't thinking - hence being an idiot and not asking to team up /smacks head!

GWEN seems so fun and boy are we going to have a lot of new locations! Some super quick shots while sprinting thru the first quest:[IMG][/IMG]

It's 4am I gotta stop...hope to run into u guys during the preview! glad that's going on so i don't check this forum a billion times lol. My apologies for not getting this 'posting pictures" thing quite right.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Oh my...
Please Stalker tell me we can correct something like this...
I was so excited that I totally forgot to state I have read the rules

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Alicendre
Oh my...
Please Stalker tell me we can correct something like this...
I was so excited that I totally forgot to state I have read the rules
You're not the only one who forgot. We've got a couple people who didn't bother to fully read everything, even after I said to read everything carefully.

Ah well.

Sali Su and co.

Sali Su and co.

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

New Zealand


Alicendre your ele is stunning i love how her armour and hair is in such contrast to her skin lol ^^ thats a great setting for her too

weee, not long to go now


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006

Thank you Sali and Kitiara. I love your characters too, they are so classy

But for the now... I'm out nolifing GWEN. XD



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


ahh, the suspense. Hopefully the results are posted sooooon.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by Alicendre
Oh my...
Please Stalker tell me we can correct something like this...
I was so excited that I totally forgot to state I have read the rules oh dang....knew i was forgetting something... ah well once again good luck everyone!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Whoo...the suspense is killing me! I cannot wait! ^_^

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Results make take a bit. The people I have reviewing your applications kind of got caught up in the GW:EN weekend as well. Sorry for the wait. Latest I will have results posted, is by Saturday.

Queen Kitiara

Queen Kitiara

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007


[Rain] Alliance "Bring on the Reign"


I think we ALL are caught up in GWEN and it is the thing that is really on a time limit...so I don't want them to stress on hurrying and making a fast choice, they should get just as much chance to enjoy GWEN too. And I'm sure the contestants want them to have the time to go over their written application as much as their picture - in essence, ---> have the time to appreciate their hard work I have judged things in the past (not a guru type thing) and take it super seriously, I wouldn't want to be rushed.

So to Stalker and our mystery judges:
Take your time! Enjoy the game! Enjoy the contest!

It's all for fun right?

And on the "fun" note, Kitiara wanted to borrow Jora's armor (cuz that is hot!)if she possibly made the contest...Jora said "No way, you're right thigh is about the only thing that would fit in my triple D cup. Then the little Asura and elf asked if they could ride in them...she said she wasn't going to help us with the quest let alone make their fantasies come true. /Kerpwn!

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Not all of us have GW:EN preview stuff, nor will own it when it comes out. :P



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


=/ please post them soon!!! Can't wait much longer!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2007

The Mirror of Reason


So when are the results gonna be posted? I just want to know so that I'm not checking every 15mins for the next week.

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005



Still have to contact forum mods. :P

Emma Foxx

Emma Foxx

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007

We Brake For Turtles [Stop]


So does that mean that if you've not recieved an email saying you're one of the finalists that you didn't make it?

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


No Emma. I will be making a new thread Which the beginning post will have all the 12 that made it through. Should be made soon, I hope.

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]


Stay tuned for something new.
