Making Money Through Trading: A Lost Cause?
Before i start this thread i must divulge something, im the type who spots high-end things going for cheap, and then buying them and reselling them at a higher value. (like buying a req9 unid ele sword and selling off for 100k + 50ectos)
With all these recent hullabaloo about duped armbraces, i was wondering if it would be safe to engage in such activities again, because of the tendency to suspect if the item was duped or not. I know any item can be duped, and because of this, it taints the market and you cant really tell which is the un-duped and which is the duped.
I would appreciate it very much if somebody could tell me if I should proceed with trading, or just stop trading altogether.
With all these recent hullabaloo about duped armbraces, i was wondering if it would be safe to engage in such activities again, because of the tendency to suspect if the item was duped or not. I know any item can be duped, and because of this, it taints the market and you cant really tell which is the un-duped and which is the duped.
I would appreciate it very much if somebody could tell me if I should proceed with trading, or just stop trading altogether.
Just keep trading, I also live from trade.
Anet won't bann you for having 1 dupe item, only if you have large stacks.
Anet won't bann you for having 1 dupe item, only if you have large stacks.
Well I for one will avoid trading with anyone outside my group of guild mates and friends.
Granted I'm concerned about my account being suspended for the possession of a fraudulent item, not the fact about buying high end wares.
Granted I'm concerned about my account being suspended for the possession of a fraudulent item, not the fact about buying high end wares.
I'd say maybe give it a few days to let Anet sort out who's been naughty but I dont think there's any reason for concern for the long term.
Originally Posted by Tijger
I'd say maybe give it a few days to let Anet sort out who's been naughty but I dont think there's any reason for concern for the long term.
Keep trading if you really want to but if you smell a rat, just don't get involved with anyone that you suspect might be up to no good.
Ghost Recon
A-net aren't the brightest crayon in the box but they aren't going to ban people who happen to come across a few duped items, from what I have been told the odds that a power trader has already come across a duped item with-out knowing is extremely high. Duped item's are everywhere and they aren't going anywhere so you may aswell carry on as normal.
I would definitely not be buying any armbraces on the cheap. I have never, and will probably never have enough to buy an armbrace at it's "legal" price of 100K+40 Ectos approximately.
Now this is based on my understanding of the situation, correct me if I'm wrong and I really do hope I am. I am under the impression that some people were banned for being in posession of "counterfeit" armbraces. I think that would have been just plain silly. First banning someone for buying or posessing a "counterfeit" armband is wrong because according to The Rules last time I checked, buying an armband on the cheap is not against the rules. You might say it should "ring some bells" that a high end item is being sold for 5k and they should immediately assume it is a hacked item. I feel this is wrong as right now, the only way for a person to find out about these items being hacked is through the Official Guild Wars Wiki or through this site. There was no official statement on the GW website warning people of the hack.
For now, and until this problem is solved, I will not be buying an Armband for 5k or 100k+40 Ectos even if I could afford one. Its not worth losing my account over.
I find this very, very disturbing that people who have no idea of the armbands being duped are getting banned.
Disclaimer: I know these people have been unbanned, but I still find it disturbing that they were ever banned. I would not want to duel with customer service to get my account back anyway.
I also would like to stress that I am under the impression that people were banned for possesion or buying armbraces on the cheap or ones that have been duped. If I am wrong, and I hope I am please disregard my post.
Now this is based on my understanding of the situation, correct me if I'm wrong and I really do hope I am. I am under the impression that some people were banned for being in posession of "counterfeit" armbraces. I think that would have been just plain silly. First banning someone for buying or posessing a "counterfeit" armband is wrong because according to The Rules last time I checked, buying an armband on the cheap is not against the rules. You might say it should "ring some bells" that a high end item is being sold for 5k and they should immediately assume it is a hacked item. I feel this is wrong as right now, the only way for a person to find out about these items being hacked is through the Official Guild Wars Wiki or through this site. There was no official statement on the GW website warning people of the hack.
For now, and until this problem is solved, I will not be buying an Armband for 5k or 100k+40 Ectos even if I could afford one. Its not worth losing my account over.
I find this very, very disturbing that people who have no idea of the armbands being duped are getting banned.
Disclaimer: I know these people have been unbanned, but I still find it disturbing that they were ever banned. I would not want to duel with customer service to get my account back anyway.
I also would like to stress that I am under the impression that people were banned for possesion or buying armbraces on the cheap or ones that have been duped. If I am wrong, and I hope I am please disregard my post.
I would say, just screenshot all your traders so you can prove your innocence should it be necesarry.
If you have stocks of things you suspect are duped then I would think it better to contact Arenanet and express your concerns. Perhaps they could then delete these items from your account (sort of like hold an in game amnesty day to hand over stuff you thinks duped (even if its not..) ) and perhaps offer some sort of compenstation gold in exchange and help the markets get back to normal again.
Diddy bow
Trading is fine atm, just be wary of arm braces.
Ghost Recon
There is no way A-net can tell an item is duped or not(if they use a simlar system to other online games), so far they have just banned people with stupid ammount's of armbraces on there accounts and by the looks of it they have been tracing trade logs and banning a few of them aswell. The more the item is traded the more logs they have to go through it would take months to trace all these items. People should just forgoet about it and carry on like normal.
I would stay away from armbraces for a few weeks, just to be sure.
Weapons you're talking about are unstackable, nuff said.
Malice Black
Trading is fine, this dupe thing is being blown out of proportion.
Read Gaile's latest on the issue. Guess they have ways of knowing.
You should be fine. It wasn't like there were hundreds of people out there trading armbraces for 5k.
You should be fine. It wasn't like there were hundreds of people out there trading armbraces for 5k.
damn u's and ur lag. sorry for doublepost.
People who are looking to buy an Armbrace, but don't want to risk it could always buy the required gems and obtain the Armbrace directly themselves.
Originally Posted by Tijger
I dont think there's any reason for concern for the long term.
<- Banned for recieving ectos in trade. Say what you will.
You can't see me
No, Ibex, unlike you, we have made it clear that we do not think they sky is falling, as you do in your post in this forum.
I agree, aside from waiting a week or two for armbraces, there's no reason to continue to trade and sell for profit.
I agree, aside from waiting a week or two for armbraces, there's no reason to continue to trade and sell for profit.
Originally Posted by ibex333
New chapter around the corner, people are saving up, prices drop, always happens. Then the new stuff comes around, ppl start paying insane amount for what turns out to be easily farmable items which then drop through the floor again and a new AoT shows up *shrug*'
This will be the 3rd time I see that cycle and every time I've make good money from it
Originally Posted by ibex333
The guild wars apocolypse has not occured.
THey do not see only the stacks, they see what do you pay for them.
If you keep trading with the usual fair prices, there will be no problem, if you get 100 ectos for 10k, you'll gather attention over your account.
If you keep trading with the usual fair prices, there will be no problem, if you get 100 ectos for 10k, you'll gather attention over your account.
Citadel Runner
The reason ANET might ban you for having even 1 duped Armbrace is because they love to ban people. Its a business ploy. They know that if they ban someone who likes the game, the person will go out and buy another account, so they are always looking for excuses, any excuse, to take your account away. They have your money and could not care less about you. It does not matter if they take your account, the worst that could happen is you will not buy another, in which case they have lost nothing but still have your original money.
I wouldn't touch an armbrace with a ten foot pole now.
I wouldn't touch an armbrace with a ten foot pole now.
Prof Of Black
Just dont take risks.
I bought 6 armbraces, 50ecto each. Yes, I was looking for profit too.
Now I'm banned.
I bought 6 armbraces, 50ecto each. Yes, I was looking for profit too.
Now I'm banned.
Prof, you're just not lucky. I think that you should contact GW support because the average price for an armbrace is 100k+30-40e which is approximately ~265-320k. You bought yours 50 ectos each which is ~275k. I don't see any banning fact here.
Personally I'm staying away from Armbraces for now - it's simply a too high risk of getting a duped one.
As for the rest of the items in the game, I don't think it's risky trading with them. The chance of getting a duped one is very small, I think, and it's not in ANets ethics to ban people who buy normal items at a good price.
As for the rest of the items in the game, I don't think it's risky trading with them. The chance of getting a duped one is very small, I think, and it's not in ANets ethics to ban people who buy normal items at a good price.
Jumping Is Uselss
Prof, you bought your armbraces for a reasonable price. You should really contact support. Its not like you bought 6 armbraces for 50K, which is obvious of a duped item.
im not a big trader but yeah as long as its in a reasonable price it should be ok.
worst thing about this is it has ruined the sature of the torment skin
i dont have one but it puts me of saving for one
worst thing about this is it has ruined the sature of the torment skin
i dont have one but it puts me of saving for one