Hey people!
Umm.. after a while of playing the game gets stuck (hung up) and the music too, not even ctrl+alt+delete works, i press the powerbutton at the computer, tries to reconnect my current mission and it shouts something about network error code=021. It is very frustrating becouse it often happens when i'm at a mission.
I got Swedish Telia Broadband and a guy i know have that too and also got the same problem as me, i don't know if Telia refuses to work with Guild Wars or what it else could be, please help me if you got any idea what's wrong.
Network problem (Code =021)
Bushhairy Shaman
I dunno about your game freezing, but reconnects have been temporarily disabled due to an item duplication exploit involving them.
Bushhairy Shaman
aha, so that's why i can't reconnect to my mission again?
Yeah. Reconnects will be back once the ArenaNet have fixed the exploit.
Bowstring Badass
That will be a while.