What are they?
Large scale pvp battles that can only be done by members of your guild/allaince. Make them teams of 32v32 or 24v24 split into groups of 8. The large scale of people needed would encourage guild cooperation instead of lazy non-active guilds. You press the Guild Battle button while in your guild hall like for normal GvG but there are more options. But before you can do this here's a better concept. The Guild Leader has to select a venue for all their guild battles. You go to the Main City of that area (Ascalon City for Ascalon, Henge of Denravi for Maguuma etc) then swear you guild's allegience, much like signing to the luxon or kurzick faction. Back to the Guild Battle Panel, you then select what you want to fight for, these could be explorable areas. Imagine seeing a message like "Gameamp Guides[AMP] has won a battle in Ascalon and takes Regent Valley!". Basically you fight against other guilds who have selected the same general area as you.
Well 2 maps for each area, this is alot I know for A-Net to make but this is still in concept mode right now. When You enter it is a LARGE scale area, like I mean LARGE. with 24 or 32 people it has to be. The 2 teams then fight in a battle. How to win? it could either be like AB but with capping, killing, flag running, and trebuchet (catapults). One idea I came up with is a Map for Kryta fighters. 2 Boats, and to destroy the others boats you have to run cannonballs and gunpowder to the bottom of the ship while your teamates (rangers, eles) fight ranged, because the boats are just within casting range. In addition there could be a spiral leading to a crow's nest for rangers to pick off people. And more ppl can be running wood to the side of their boat and eventually a plank is made across for warriors and sins to go in and do their damage. Then you can imagine rits putting a spirit wall at the end of the plank to hold them off a little, these are fun little ideas im having.
Well so what, your guild owns regent valley. Well this could help in the sense that like an environtmental effect is put on you like "Master Of My Domain" when you go there, increasing attack speed, damage, or things like that which could help vanquishing. Or it could allow you into "The Kings Room" an exclusive area in your domain that lets ppl from that alliance, buy things cheaper or something.
I know i would love this alot, because I like the chaos of a full blown war and just 2 armies clashing heads. It encourages a stronger guild community and at the same time gives enjoyment and a way to actually make people use tactics and not just rush in using shadow prison and tiger stance.
So tell me what you think