Kind of a Big Thread
im slowly working on several titles on my title collector.
you can do 3-4 titles at a time btw
6)surivivor (probably not the greatest idea todo it in hardmode)
when vanquishing, just agree with guildies/whoever your gonna wallhug left/right hand wall, then after the full circle, work inwards. best to work towards the nearest res shrine.
if u got 2 accounts, consider using gwmi/2pcs to afk 1 char while doing mission/quest (if its easy).
by farming festival quests abit, and a smidge of trading (very small amount) ive got 3500+ sweetpoints
making list/using a organiser can help too, thats partly how ive gotten prot of cantha 12times or something crazy... (eg when someone asks for help on eternal grove, can check list and come on your rit or whatever that needs it).
lastly a title is a indicator of skill, but not a certainty.
you can do 3-4 titles at a time btw
6)surivivor (probably not the greatest idea todo it in hardmode)
when vanquishing, just agree with guildies/whoever your gonna wallhug left/right hand wall, then after the full circle, work inwards. best to work towards the nearest res shrine.
if u got 2 accounts, consider using gwmi/2pcs to afk 1 char while doing mission/quest (if its easy).
by farming festival quests abit, and a smidge of trading (very small amount) ive got 3500+ sweetpoints
making list/using a organiser can help too, thats partly how ive gotten prot of cantha 12times or something crazy... (eg when someone asks for help on eternal grove, can check list and come on your rit or whatever that needs it).
lastly a title is a indicator of skill, but not a certainty.
I care about my titles, I don't care about others' titles, nor about if others look at my titles.
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
That's another thing I've noticed with Titles... I tend to focus on one character now instead of spreading the love amongst them all. Side effect of the title system and GW:ENs Hall of Monuments. I know now (pretty sure at least) that the HoM is account-based, but before knowing that I put my focus onto one main character to build the achievements up on to pass into GW2. Anyone else notice this trend in themselves?
Right now I'm working on Tyrian Vanquisher (32/54) and Cartographer (at 74.8% right now)...vanquished everything but a couple areas in Ascalon, the entire Southern Shiverpeaks, and most of the Crystal Desert. So far she's maxed the following titles:
Protector of Elona
Protector of Cantha
Protector of Tyria
I plan on taking her into GW:EN first as I love playing as a ranger.
The rest of my characters are simply waiting for their chance to get the attention I'll eventually give them.
and I have to respond to julien on the first page....
you're an ass...
I need only bonus from elona reach to r3 in kind... i will wait for weakend to complet this... 10 minuts ago i send Josso essher to hell
I make Olias words my words...
How i use thumbs?
I make Olias words my words...
How i use thumbs?
Guardian of the Light
When I see kind of a big deal I have a split reaction.
Half of me goes "Wow that person had to concentrate to get that title that's awesome!" yet the other half of me alway goes "That person needs to get a life."
Half of me goes "Wow that person had to concentrate to get that title that's awesome!" yet the other half of me alway goes "That person needs to get a life."
Jecht Scye
Tyrian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter
Elonian Skill Hunter
Whatever the Skill Hunter Title is for 3/3 continents
Protector of Tyria
Protector of Cantha
Protector of Elona
Elonian Grandmaster Cartographer <----Big thanks to my fiancee who got me that one.
Tyrian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter
Elonian Skill Hunter
Whatever the Skill Hunter Title is for 3/3 continents
Protector of Tyria
Protector of Cantha
Protector of Elona
Elonian Grandmaster Cartographer <----Big thanks to my fiancee who got me that one.
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
When I see kind of a big deal I have a split reaction.
Half of me goes "Wow that person had to concentrate to get that title that's awesome!" yet the other half of me alway goes "That person needs to get a life." |

I <3 my KoaBD title...cant til i get my r2 on my necro of that title...but at the moment have all 3 protector titles, and all 4 of the max skill hunter titles.
Atm im working on my canthan explore title (~92% now), my legendary sunspear title (r 9), and my holy lightbringer :P (r6) and t6hen ill have it
Atm im working on my canthan explore title (~92% now), my legendary sunspear title (r 9), and my holy lightbringer :P (r6) and t6hen ill have it
Ivan Aidrann
First of all, congratulations on your title,
I had a mesmer with a koabd title before the release of hard mode and the legendary titles. Back then it was actually kind of a big deal. I had 2 gmc titles and 3 prots. I could walk around showing my title proudly.... until the legendary titles were implemented. I was rather annoyed by the fact that there were players who suddenly had the title when they logged in again, that it prompted me to delete my mesmer. I still don't regret my decision, because i now have a different goal in gw than maxing titles.
But still, i wont take away someones joy over achieving koabd, because as far as i am concerned, achieving 5 max titles is still a job well done. Just not well enough for myself
I had a mesmer with a koabd title before the release of hard mode and the legendary titles. Back then it was actually kind of a big deal. I had 2 gmc titles and 3 prots. I could walk around showing my title proudly.... until the legendary titles were implemented. I was rather annoyed by the fact that there were players who suddenly had the title when they logged in again, that it prompted me to delete my mesmer. I still don't regret my decision, because i now have a different goal in gw than maxing titles.
But still, i wont take away someones joy over achieving koabd, because as far as i am concerned, achieving 5 max titles is still a job well done. Just not well enough for myself

I have I'm Very Important and I don't consider myself a great PvEer. There's people in my guild with a lot less titles than me who I consider to be better players than me. To me all titles show is that you have focused your play time into getting them, not that you are awesome. To me the only titles that show you're a great player are the Vanquisher ones as for those you actually have to be good rather than just having the time to do them.
I stopped to bother about titles a long time ago. In fact, stopped displaying my titles alltogether. Titles just don't say anything (this is just my humble opinion

Dragou Du Porzan
Congrats to all who have reached KoaBD and beyond! It's an achievment to be proud of. Everyone has a different opinion and I understand that there'll be those that will say it's a waste of time and/or a sign of no life, but collecting titles is one of the primary pursuits that keeps me going with GW. I hit "I'm Very Important" a while back and currently stand at 18 maxed:
Cartographer (3 + Legendary)
Skill Hunter (3 + Legnedary)
Guardian (3 + Legendary)
Protector (3)
Incorrigible Ale Hound (man, what a hangover that was...)
I'm currently working on my Vanquisher and Sweet Tooth tracks (and of course Gamer and Lucky/Unlucky when possible). I hope to be at 23 maxed titles before too long. Speaking of Vanquisher, if anyone ever wants to team up to take on a region in HM, do give me a shout in-game; if I'm free I'll be happy to join up!
Cartographer (3 + Legendary)
Skill Hunter (3 + Legnedary)
Guardian (3 + Legendary)
Protector (3)
Incorrigible Ale Hound (man, what a hangover that was...)
I'm currently working on my Vanquisher and Sweet Tooth tracks (and of course Gamer and Lucky/Unlucky when possible). I hope to be at 23 maxed titles before too long. Speaking of Vanquisher, if anyone ever wants to team up to take on a region in HM, do give me a shout in-game; if I'm free I'll be happy to join up!

But then I got to wondering... does KoaBD really mean anything anymore? ..... Where, to you, do the "Big Deal" titles earn respect, or is the make-up of those titles more important? |
I play two characters most of the time, mesmer and monk.
The mesmer is my title collector.
My monk has maxed two protectors titles (tyria and cantha), nothing else.
Still, my monk is as valuable in a team as my mesmer, even without the titles.
The main difference between the characters is the amount of gold and grind I spend on them

Vamis Threen
23 maxed on my ele:
Holy Lightbringer
Legendary Spearmarshall
Legendary Survivor
Legendary Cart (+3)
Legendary Skill Hunter (+3)
Legendary Guardian (+6)
Legendary Vanquisher (+3)
And of course, I'm most proud of Conoiusseur of confectionaries
I was going for People Know Me when HM came out, so I went from 7 maxed to 12 overnight. So I just thought I'd keep going.
Now I'm just putting in time til GWEN comes out. I guess I'll lose titles but then there will also be potential for "leather bound books etc"; "I'm very important" (my current title) just sounds a bit lame to me.
The ones I'm most proud of are Legendary Guardian and Survivor: some of the rest were just grind.
I don't have any 15K armor and I prefer gold weapons. None of my other toons have any significant titles. Everybody's different. Go figure.
Holy Lightbringer
Legendary Spearmarshall
Legendary Survivor
Legendary Cart (+3)
Legendary Skill Hunter (+3)
Legendary Guardian (+6)
Legendary Vanquisher (+3)
And of course, I'm most proud of Conoiusseur of confectionaries

I was going for People Know Me when HM came out, so I went from 7 maxed to 12 overnight. So I just thought I'd keep going.
Now I'm just putting in time til GWEN comes out. I guess I'll lose titles but then there will also be potential for "leather bound books etc"; "I'm very important" (my current title) just sounds a bit lame to me.
The ones I'm most proud of are Legendary Guardian and Survivor: some of the rest were just grind.
I don't have any 15K armor and I prefer gold weapons. None of my other toons have any significant titles. Everybody's different. Go figure.
Originally Posted by Dragou Du Porzan
I'm currently working on my Vanquisher and Sweet Tooth tracks (and of course Gamer and Lucky/Unlucky when possible). I hope to be at 23 maxed titles before too long. Speaking of Vanquisher, if anyone ever wants to team up to take on a region in HM, do give me a shout in-game; if I'm free I'll be happy to join up!
![]() |
Hidden Guru
Right now on my Primary Character, my monk, I have 15 max titles which I'm very proud about.
My monk's road to being title bound started off when all I did was 55 with her, mountain trolls, etc. I liked the amount of Exp my monk had after all the farming. So I decided to keep playing her. I soon found out that Monking is where it's at for me in GW.
Anyways, my titles I have are:
Legendary Spearmarsahl
Connoisuer of Confectionaries
Holy Lightbringer
Guardian of Tyria
Guardian of Cantha
Guardian of Elona
Legendary Guardian
Protector of Tyria
Protector of Cantha
Protector of Elona
Elonian Vanquisher
Tyrian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter
Elonian Skill Hunter
Legendary Skill Hunter
Currently I'm 17/33 for Cantha Vanquisher, and if I go for another max title, that'll be the one I shoot for. Titles for me come in cravings. I can't endlessly press titles, I have to take a break and play other characters and enjoy the game but showing off my E-Peen is also great too.
My monk's road to being title bound started off when all I did was 55 with her, mountain trolls, etc. I liked the amount of Exp my monk had after all the farming. So I decided to keep playing her. I soon found out that Monking is where it's at for me in GW.
Anyways, my titles I have are:
Legendary Spearmarsahl
Connoisuer of Confectionaries
Holy Lightbringer
Guardian of Tyria
Guardian of Cantha
Guardian of Elona
Legendary Guardian
Protector of Tyria
Protector of Cantha
Protector of Elona
Elonian Vanquisher
Tyrian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter
Elonian Skill Hunter
Legendary Skill Hunter
Currently I'm 17/33 for Cantha Vanquisher, and if I go for another max title, that'll be the one I shoot for. Titles for me come in cravings. I can't endlessly press titles, I have to take a break and play other characters and enjoy the game but showing off my E-Peen is also great too.

To got my KoaBD i have maxed these titles:
Protector of Elona, Cantha and Tyria.
Legendary Survivor
Elonian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter
Protector of Elona, Cantha and Tyria.
Legendary Survivor
Elonian Skill Hunter
Canthan Skill Hunter