Hi, I'm thinking about joining a guild that does some hard-core PVE (though I'd like one that does PVP too. I do mostly Cantha PvP now but that's since you don't really need a guild for it). I've been playing since the beta weekends and am especially experienced playing ranger (though I've got at least one of every profession and have played them).
I'm currently trying to get my ranger through HM in Factions and NF and play mostly solo with heroes/hench and a friend of mine who gets on now and again. I've got some experience with some farming builds and select running on my warrior (never really got the Drok's run much beyond 50/50 success rate before I stopped doing it when Factions came out). I also have the "soloing Shiro" assassin thing down for easy access to the Divine Path (or whatever it's called).
I currently have more Luxon than Kurzick faction (and would prefer a Luxon guild) but i'd join an awesome Kurzick guild. Kurzick Aspenwood is usually more fun anyway.
I'm older than most players and would prefer a guild with a similar makeup. I'm American so I really only speak (type) English with any skill (though a Canadian guild with some French would be a good chance to learn) and only enough Spanish to order food and tell you that Juan and Maria are in the library. I live near the West Coast (Arizona) so a West Coast/BC guild would theoretically be online the same time as me.
Well, enough about me.
some of my IGN's:
Vol Tar, Vellata Rar, Bootsies Ok, Billy Joel, Biscuit Splitter, Punch the Munchkin, Garbe Dina, Cloza Ril, Value Shopper, A Splode.