to all the guild wars lovers / WoW haters
this game is terribly balanced and needs total reworking. dont bother posting here with your blah blah blah graphics monthly fee bull crap or whatever cuz i dont care. games are about gameplay rather than graphics and if you care about graphics you might as well leave this topic already. and monthly fees, they really arent that bad. seeing as every expansion you payed for guild wars was 50 dollars and eye of the north is going to be 40. but unlike guild wars, wow has a monthly fee so the developers actually get payed, while gw relies on banning people to get money from buying accounts back
world of warcraft dominates this game because the pvp is balanced and the pve is actually a challenge. while in guildwars, pvp is a TOTAL joke because it is always the same crap and pve is just tank and spank, all the tank has to do is run in first and the mobs dont even think twice about hitting that monk that is healing everyone.
the only thing saving this game is if there are a crapload (mostly to hexes like blurred vision and meele skills like wild blow) when eye of the north comes out and possibly saving it is guild wars 2. hopefully i get some more benefits playing this now crappy game for gw 2.
sorry, i used to agree with people like this, but wow is overall 10 times better than g dub
world of warcraft dominates this game because the pvp is balanced and the pve is actually a challenge. while in guildwars, pvp is a TOTAL joke because it is always the same crap and pve is just tank and spank, all the tank has to do is run in first and the mobs dont even think twice about hitting that monk that is healing everyone.
the only thing saving this game is if there are a crapload (mostly to hexes like blurred vision and meele skills like wild blow) when eye of the north comes out and possibly saving it is guild wars 2. hopefully i get some more benefits playing this now crappy game for gw 2.
sorry, i used to agree with people like this, but wow is overall 10 times better than g dub
Bryant Again
*Sigh* Oh boy...
And before you start getting ideas, no I am not a GW Lover. Both are great games, but WoW more satisfies my needs.
And before you start getting ideas, no I am not a GW Lover. Both are great games, but WoW more satisfies my needs.
Exhibit A
Since you seem to hate GW so much, why are you on this forum? If you want to go on about how much better WoW is, then do it on a WoW forum, not here.
You can't see me
Since when was the Riverside Inn for threads judging GW versus WoW.
First off, the GW PvP system is naything but unbalenced. If you do it right, any class can be a formittable opponent to any other class. Don't whine about tank versus ele, or mesmer versus ele, because if you can't find a way to counter any one class on any one build with any other class on any other build, you're not trying hard enough. Don't you dare lie otherwise.
And PvE unchallenging? Go to DoA, Urgoz, and the Deep and say that. Do Hard mode runs. Tell me they're not challenging. Yeah- that's what I thought. In fact, why don't you go try The last prophecies missions on hard mode? Or try vanquishing for the title. If don't run into any challenges on those two, than you must be using some sort of hack or third party that makes you invinceable.
And as for blurred vision and wild blow saving GW? How the heck do they save the game? They're just two skills. 50% chance to miss, and end stance. There are many skills that have the same overalleffect, especially blinding skills and other wild skilsl such as wild throw (Paragon) wild blow (Melee) and wild strike (Assasin). The Blinding and 50% chance miss w/ attack skills are too numerous to list.
And why wouldn't mobs not hit the monk? It's the main thing keeping you alive, and they want to kill you. And they don't even always go for the monk. They go for all the casters first if they are within agro, for the plain fact that they are weaker, and that mobs want to kill your party. You wouldn't attack the tank instead of the monk in RA would you? Didn't think so.
On top of all this, Comparing WoW and GW is not something for the Riverside Inn. In fact, why do you even say this in your post? If you think GW is so bad, then go play WoW. Spend 15 dollars a month. In 12 months, you'd have spent the cash for all three campaigns and more, not to mention the cost of buying the game up front.
They're too different games with two different styles of play. They're not fair to compare as better or worse.
But seriously, if you think PvP is unbalences, and think that PvE is unchallenging, you need to get out there and PLAY THE DANG GAME.
End of story.
First off, the GW PvP system is naything but unbalenced. If you do it right, any class can be a formittable opponent to any other class. Don't whine about tank versus ele, or mesmer versus ele, because if you can't find a way to counter any one class on any one build with any other class on any other build, you're not trying hard enough. Don't you dare lie otherwise.
And PvE unchallenging? Go to DoA, Urgoz, and the Deep and say that. Do Hard mode runs. Tell me they're not challenging. Yeah- that's what I thought. In fact, why don't you go try The last prophecies missions on hard mode? Or try vanquishing for the title. If don't run into any challenges on those two, than you must be using some sort of hack or third party that makes you invinceable.
And as for blurred vision and wild blow saving GW? How the heck do they save the game? They're just two skills. 50% chance to miss, and end stance. There are many skills that have the same overalleffect, especially blinding skills and other wild skilsl such as wild throw (Paragon) wild blow (Melee) and wild strike (Assasin). The Blinding and 50% chance miss w/ attack skills are too numerous to list.
And why wouldn't mobs not hit the monk? It's the main thing keeping you alive, and they want to kill you. And they don't even always go for the monk. They go for all the casters first if they are within agro, for the plain fact that they are weaker, and that mobs want to kill your party. You wouldn't attack the tank instead of the monk in RA would you? Didn't think so.
On top of all this, Comparing WoW and GW is not something for the Riverside Inn. In fact, why do you even say this in your post? If you think GW is so bad, then go play WoW. Spend 15 dollars a month. In 12 months, you'd have spent the cash for all three campaigns and more, not to mention the cost of buying the game up front.
They're too different games with two different styles of play. They're not fair to compare as better or worse.
But seriously, if you think PvP is unbalences, and think that PvE is unchallenging, you need to get out there and PLAY THE DANG GAME.
End of story.
I pwnd U
Also, umm if you hate GW, why do you have a avatar that shows a warrior in 15k Glads from GW? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to come tell everyone that you hate it. Simply leave us alone to play our game, and you play ours. We don't need people bashing each others game. So what if they are closely compared and yadayadayada. The point is if you like one game that is fine, but others may like another game. It happens. No need to make a big deal about it.
Sleeper Service
cya ! (we won't miss you)
Take it from someone with a level 70 UD Prest on a PvP server in WoW who has quit the game twice from utter raid and PvP boredom: That game is 10 times more of a grind, imbalance, and repeat fest than GW will ever be. And the only challenging part of PvE in WoW is finding teammates that don't do stupid things.
But hey, if working the same hours-long instance 20-30 times a month for a chance at one piece of loot that may or may not drop every 5-6 runs, have at it
To each his own.
Take it from someone with a level 70 UD Prest on a PvP server in WoW who has quit the game twice from utter raid and PvP boredom: That game is 10 times more of a grind, imbalance, and repeat fest than GW will ever be. And the only challenging part of PvE in WoW is finding teammates that don't do stupid things.
But hey, if working the same hours-long instance 20-30 times a month for a chance at one piece of loot that may or may not drop every 5-6 runs, have at it

Bryant Again
Originally Posted by You can't see me
And PvE unchallenging? Go to DoA, Urgoz, and the Deep and say that. Do Hard mode runs. Tell me they're not challenging.
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Spend 15 dollars a month. In 12 months, you'd have spent the cash for all three campaigns and more, not to mention the cost of buying the game up front.
Oh geeezzz, another f'n WoW Fanboy thread....
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by LumpOfCole
And the only challenging part of PvE in WoW is finding teammates that don't do stupid things.
eh, I quit WoW when I started playing GW.
I guess to each their own. I don't assume my preferences are law.
But why not post the drawbacks of WoW in a comparison thread?
This topic is silliness! And quite biased.
I guess to each their own. I don't assume my preferences are law.
But why not post the drawbacks of WoW in a comparison thread?
This topic is silliness! And quite biased.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Pretty much every MMO suffers from PUGs.
OP fails at trolling, imo.
Both games have upsides and downsides. Hell, all games do. Most of these upsides/downsides are subjective. There, now can we get back to discussing just Guild Wars on a Guild Wars forum?
1 up and 2 down

If you love WoW so much why don't you go troll on the WoW threads.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by LumpOfCole
For WoW though, it even extends to organized guilds and raids. The challenge in WoW is specifically putting in challenges that, if triggered by teammates that are stupid or not paying attention, will kill the group. Remember the infamous Shade of Aran chant?
Originally Posted by LumpOfCole
And, to another large extent, grinding for armor in previous instances before moving on.
I pwnd U
As pointed out before, both games have their own flaws. But the flaws are different for people. Some people may want to pay to play, others may not. Both are soild games overall. So who cares which is better, just play which ever you game you like best and leave the other game alone.
Originally Posted by jackie
OP fails at trolling, imo.
I just think kyro27 is trolling here. 
Either that or he's never spent much time in the WoW forums to see the myriad 'balance the classes' and 'I quit' threads.

Either that or he's never spent much time in the WoW forums to see the myriad 'balance the classes' and 'I quit' threads.
Originally Posted by kyro27
this game is terribly balanced and needs total reworking. dont bother posting here with your blah blah blah graphics monthly fee bull crap or whatever cuz i dont care. games are about gameplay rather than graphics and if you care about graphics you might as well leave this topic already. and monthly fees, they really arent that bad. seeing as every expansion you payed for guild wars was 50 dollars and eye of the north is going to be 40. but unlike guild wars, wow has a monthly fee so the developers actually get payed, while gw relies on banning people to get money from buying accounts back
world of warcraft dominates this game because the pvp is balanced and the pve is actually a challenge. while in guildwars, pvp is a TOTAL joke because it is always the same crap and pve is just tank and spank, all the tank has to do is run in first and the mobs dont even think twice about hitting that monk that is healing everyone. the only thing saving this game is if there are a crapload (mostly to hexes like blurred vision and meele skills like wild blow) when eye of the north comes out and possibly saving it is guild wars 2. hopefully i get some more benefits playing this now crappy game for gw 2. sorry, i used to agree with people like this, but wow is overall 10 times better than g dub |
I pwnd U
Originally Posted by kyro27
failure moderator imo
Curse You
Let's do the math.
OP's stats
Now, if I do the math, I get.
The OP does HA, but after playing for too long, feels that it's unbalanced. He has a fair bit of money, likely from HoH chests or from farming. He also will likely get banned from these forums.
OP's stats
- Has 15k armor
- Belongs to a HA based guild
- Can't hold insults in
Now, if I do the math, I get.
The OP does HA, but after playing for too long, feels that it's unbalanced. He has a fair bit of money, likely from HoH chests or from farming. He also will likely get banned from these forums.
The guild is a known Troll guild from GameFAQs...
Originally Posted by jackie
OP fails at trolling, imo.
[12 damn characters -_-].......
I read your posts and then I remember something that you said. And it represented a similar feeling that I have now about your topic.
Heres the Quote:
Have a nice day.
Heres the Quote:
Originally Posted by kyro27
whatever cuz i dont care.
And when it comes to grinding instances for better armor, it's finely tuned and paced when it comes to leveling in WoW. Excellently so, I would say. Leveling and experiencing the artistic zones is an absolute joy in WoW, as is teaming up and pounding on the other faction on a PvP server like the one I played on. My problem with WoW lies entirely with the endgame and the grinding it perpetuates. To get the good stuff, hundreds and hundreds of hours must be poured in and that's to remain competetive for the next raid instance after that. It's some folks' cup of tea but certainly not mine. The grinding for endgame instances and raids suddenly becomes ridiculous when you're ramping yourself up for the highest level, 10+ player content. It also causes a lot more guild drama, and don't get me started on the universal reliance on "DKP." WoW, in my eyes, is fantastic levels 1-69. Then once you hit 70, the game feels like you're more addicted to a drug which has long lost its high effect.
Batou of Nine
I would greatly suggest to the mods to close this thread ASAP.
If anyone took the time to look, it can be easily deduced that the OP is simply bitter about one thing or another. From the looks of things he is a long time player, as being on this forum since 2005, and is 18 years old, so he at least as a mature enough mind to understand how silly he sounds (if he stood back and read what he writes).
I have a bad feeling that with the recent influx of in-game bugs, exploits, in-game economy issues and continual community gripes with PvP/PvE balancing, that these threads will be on the rise.
@ Kyro27
I would hope you have the maturity enough to realize your thread was incredibly inflammatory and unnecessary. If you had any common sense, you would be able to realize yourself that is is simply time for you to move on to another game. Making a big stink about it helps no one, and only instigates flames. If you are that mature to realize this, you would delete or edit out your first post.
However, after your 2nd post, i see that you may not have that maturity, so in that case trolls get what trolls deserve, so watch your back in WoW, cause im sure Karma ain't too happy with you! WoW vs GW debates are about as useful as trying to hump a doorknob, in the end your the one looking like a doofus... (fun word, eh?)
If anyone took the time to look, it can be easily deduced that the OP is simply bitter about one thing or another. From the looks of things he is a long time player, as being on this forum since 2005, and is 18 years old, so he at least as a mature enough mind to understand how silly he sounds (if he stood back and read what he writes).
I have a bad feeling that with the recent influx of in-game bugs, exploits, in-game economy issues and continual community gripes with PvP/PvE balancing, that these threads will be on the rise.
@ Kyro27
I would hope you have the maturity enough to realize your thread was incredibly inflammatory and unnecessary. If you had any common sense, you would be able to realize yourself that is is simply time for you to move on to another game. Making a big stink about it helps no one, and only instigates flames. If you are that mature to realize this, you would delete or edit out your first post.
However, after your 2nd post, i see that you may not have that maturity, so in that case trolls get what trolls deserve, so watch your back in WoW, cause im sure Karma ain't too happy with you! WoW vs GW debates are about as useful as trying to hump a doorknob, in the end your the one looking like a doofus... (fun word, eh?)
You deserve to be banned if you are a troll..simply put.
Please do not create threads purely to start a flamefest and illicit angry replies. It's not constructive and serves no positive purpose to the community. Your comments of "go kill yourself" cross the line of forum policy, please read the forum guidelines and rules upon your return.