Make Lightbringer a Passive Title
Gargle Blaster
its a minor suggestion... i want to display the titles that look coolest not the one that i need to use in certain areas. the whole point of titles is to show-off what you have done.
How many drunkards have you seen in gate of madness?
i also forget sometimes when traveling from place to place to turn the thing on or turn it off -- as Lightbringer is not an impressive title to show...
(yes... I searched for similar topics and found nothing)
How many drunkards have you seen in gate of madness?
i also forget sometimes when traveling from place to place to turn the thing on or turn it off -- as Lightbringer is not an impressive title to show...
(yes... I searched for similar topics and found nothing)
I REALLY hope the GWEN faction titles don't work like that. Its annoying to choose between not showing off your cool title, or trying to turn it on and off all the time.
I REALLY hope the GWEN faction titles don't work like that. Its annoying to choose between not showing off your cool title, or trying to turn it on and off all the time.
How many titles have you seen people displaying while in explorable zones?
/signed for obvious reasons.
Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
its a minor suggestion... i want to display the titles that look coolest not the one that i need to use in certain areas. the whole point of titles is to show-off what you have done.
How many drunkards have you seen in gate of madness? i also forget sometimes when traveling from place to place to turn the thing on or turn it off -- as Lightbringer is not an impressive title to show... (yes... I searched for similar topics and found nothing) |
Try hitting H and selecting a different title, I bet it'll work just fine with no adverse effect in ANY town or outpost.
Oh, now I get it, you're simply too lazy to make 2 clicks and for that you want the devs to spend their valuable time..right, I'm sure they'll be falling over themselves to make this one happen.
R!ghteous Ind!gnation
While its not really much of a hassle to press 2 buttons to display a different title there is really no reason that I should HAVE to even press these 2 buttons to begin with. If it ultimately doesn't make a difference like most of the people who are apposed are saying then why not just have the beneficial side effect of the damage reduction w/o HAVING to display a title that is less impressive and shows less accomplishment than another preferred title?
While its not really much of a hassle to press 2 buttons to display a different title there is really no reason that I should HAVE to even press these 2 buttons to begin with. If it ultimately doesn't make a difference like most of the people who are apposed are saying then why not just have the beneficial side effect of the damage reduction w/o HAVING to display a title that is less impressive and shows less accomplishment than another preferred title?
Onarik Amrak
It's just not necessary. You don't need to have Kurzick on for Kurzick skills, or Sunspear on for Sunspear skills. So why do we for Lightbringer?
It's just not necessary. You don't need to have Kurzick on for Kurzick skills, or Sunspear on for Sunspear skills. So why do we for Lightbringer?
I would like to see the effects of Lightbringer when I have my Kind of a Big Deal title on, especially because the LB is part of my KoaBD.
Gargle Blaster
Originally Posted by Tijger
Oh, now I get it, you're simply too lazy to make 2 clicks and for that you want the devs to spend their valuable time..right,
Originally Posted by Tijger
I'm sure they'll be falling over themselves to make this one happen.
just because i forget, im not lazy but i dont pay attention to my titles most the time and i forget to turn it on and die, then i forget to turn it off for a while too...
just because i forget, im not lazy but i dont pay attention to my titles most the time and i forget to turn it on and die, then i forget to turn it off for a while too...
I don't mind changing the titles.
More than once I were killing stuff without the title active, and found not many differences... then I activated it and I noticed them. XD.
Althought, it would be just easier just to make the title activate automatically when entering Nightfall areas, I like activating it by myself.
More than once I were killing stuff without the title active, and found not many differences... then I activated it and I noticed them. XD.
Althought, it would be just easier just to make the title activate automatically when entering Nightfall areas, I like activating it by myself.
Originally Posted by
I would like to see the effects of Lightbringer when I have my Kind of a Big Deal title on, especially because the LB is part of my KoaBD.
Otherwise /notsigned, You have to make the decision do I want to show everyone that I'm a Legendary Cartographer or do I want a few extra percentage points dmg.
Better yet, do away with the whole LB title damage reduction/boost and simply make the mobs do less damage and have lower armor/max hp.
Imagine you make a build bases in damage reversal, being able to disable the title will be better for that build.
no cause you also deal an additional % of damage which out ways the additional damage you would do without the title...... sooooo yea that doesnt work as an argument either lol.
Armor ignoring damage like holy damage is not affected by the bonus, isn't it?
(Lightbringer signet is an exception)
(Lightbringer signet is an exception)
i always figured all damage was affected, no matter the source.....
/signed, not because I'm too lazy to hit H and do some clicking, but simply out of preference. While I have a couple maxed by this point and plan to do more in the interests of favor, I don't often put titles on my characters because they (the titles) annoy me. I prefer not to wear them, and I definitely don't like that one is sometimes mandatory.
I hate it when I'm trying to get at a popular NPC like a merchant/storage and everytime I try to mouseover the bastich, some idiot and their Sunspear Commander (6) pushes what I'm trying to click out of the way. Alt helps, but sometimes you still end up targetting the wrong character.
I hate it when I'm trying to get at a popular NPC like a merchant/storage and everytime I try to mouseover the bastich, some idiot and their Sunspear Commander (6) pushes what I'm trying to click out of the way. Alt helps, but sometimes you still end up targetting the wrong character.
Curse You
Why? Because if you go out into an explorable area and then notice you forgot to put on your title, you can just put it on then. I've done that plenty of times.
Also, how often does the title really make a difference? I once did several RoT quests on my necro, only to later realize that I had forgot to put on my title.
Why? Because if you go out into an explorable area and then notice you forgot to put on your title, you can just put it on then. I've done that plenty of times.
Also, how often does the title really make a difference? I once did several RoT quests on my necro, only to later realize that I had forgot to put on my title.
I'm siding with everyone who says to just swap titles.
I mean really - just display your fun title in town, swap to the LB once in mission. It's not like you can't swap in instance.
I mean really - just display your fun title in town, swap to the LB once in mission. It's not like you can't swap in instance.
The level of laziness is really starting to get out of hand.
The level of laziness is really starting to get out of hand.
i see wow why didnt i see this before all of you who say not to do this your right, here i was thinking GW was a game and not a job and should be fun and not work, silly me i see now that i am soooo wrong, gw has to be like wow cause hell wow is doing good as a job Gw will too, i mean the only reason people play GW is cause of no monthly fees, cheap bastards. its has nothing to do with the fact that its a casual game, silly silly me......
anyway you get my point -.-
anyway you get my point -.-
Diddy bow
/signed also removing it from the status bar obviouly.
But more importantly, please also make Wisdom/Luck titles passive too so I don't need to keep swapping to/from the Wisdom/Luck titles whenever I need to salvage items/open chests for that little extra +% chance.
But more importantly, please also make Wisdom/Luck titles passive too so I don't need to keep swapping to/from the Wisdom/Luck titles whenever I need to salvage items/open chests for that little extra +% chance.
i really dont mind switching it on...u can switch it on in an explorable area wit ease and still be able to show off ur cooler titles...seems like something that is not very pressing atm
i really dont mind switching it on...u can switch it on in an explorable area wit ease and still be able to show off ur cooler titles...seems like something that is not very pressing atm
+1 post count
+1 post count

Barbarianof Blunder
this change would make ALOT of SENSE
this change would make ALOT of SENSE
T. Drake
Man today I wondered why DoA become so hard until I realized that my title was missing.
My mistake, but still annoying to swap them everytime.
Man today I wondered why DoA become so hard until I realized that my title was missing.
My mistake, but still annoying to swap them everytime.
/signed . . . and not to derail in anyway, but I sure wish it were an account wide title, sigh.
Even though I don't really have any other title to show...
Even though I don't really have any other title to show...
This is a no-brainer.
I don't understand the "lazy" argument. Good design shouldn't require the player to perform tedious or pointless actions like title swapping.
Weapon swapping is a different thing because each weapon provides a different benefit, and should be player managed. Right now, there is only one title that is required to be active to get benefit from it. Unless this changes in EotN, the title should become passive.
This is a no-brainer.
I don't understand the "lazy" argument. Good design shouldn't require the player to perform tedious or pointless actions like title swapping.
Weapon swapping is a different thing because each weapon provides a different benefit, and should be player managed. Right now, there is only one title that is required to be active to get benefit from it. Unless this changes in EotN, the title should become passive.
The "lazy" arguement is pretty stupid here. Its a design/interface improvement that will help everybody and inconvience no one. Its not like we are asking for auto targetting or something (which inconvienced many and implemented anyway).
The "lazy" arguement is pretty stupid here. Its a design/interface improvement that will help everybody and inconvience no one. Its not like we are asking for auto targetting or something (which inconvienced many and implemented anyway).
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
The "lazy" arguement is pretty stupid here. Its a design/interface improvement that will help everybody and inconvience no one. Its not like we are asking for auto targetting or something (which inconvienced many and implemented anyway). |
The ability to save and load templates="Lazy"
The ability to roll a PvP-only character with max gear="Lazy"
The ability to map travel, instead of having to walk everywhere="Lazy"
The ability to swap weapons, instead of having to go and manually click them out="Lazy"
The ability to hero/hench it so that you don't need to work with a pug="Lazy"
I think you see where I am going with this...
Odds are, if you used any feature in the game, you are guilty of being "lazy". Is that a bad thing? It is a game. It is not a job. How dare anybody who is sitting in front of a computer screen playing a game tell somebody else s/he is being lazy?
/signed. No other title requires it to be active in order for the effect to take place. Either change that so the others require activeness in order to use the benefits or make it so Lightbringer's effect is inherent. There is no reason for it to not be.
There is only one reason not to make it passive, and it is 'choice' not 'lazy'.
Right now, you can choose either activa it or not.
Making it passive will completely remove that option.
Some builds require more damage from the enemy to work properly.
Right now, you can choose either activa it or not.
Making it passive will completely remove that option.
Some builds require more damage from the enemy to work properly.
Gargle Blaster
if you needed more damage would you not just remove your armor?
It's not a difficulty thing, it's just a remembering thing. If I have the rank, why should I not get the benefit just because I forgot to show the title? I don't see why this would get opposed. Sure, it probably doesn't bother most people. Doesn't even bother me. But why not change it? I wouldn't lose anything by automatically getting the boost rather than have to remember to switch titles.
/not signed
There's too much other stuff that's more important to fix (and to make sure GWEN runs smooth) than recoding titles, especially since you can just turn them on and off at will. And as for not being lazy? What? Pressing H, and then ticking a box is work? If that's your attitude how'd you even get a title anyway? If you said it was grind to get the points, then I guess you have some standing. But ticking a box?
And comparing 5 secs to tick a box and 20 minutes trekking across the map? You can't see the difference? As for having it just cause you've earned it? Well, just turn it on. See icon good. Not see icon Bad. So go turn the thing on. Not that you'd notice anyway. Short of DOA and maybe bosses, what do you need it for? Margos and torments melt with or without LB up. And even in HM, the damage they do is not something that's unbearable.
There's too much other stuff that's more important to fix (and to make sure GWEN runs smooth) than recoding titles, especially since you can just turn them on and off at will. And as for not being lazy? What? Pressing H, and then ticking a box is work? If that's your attitude how'd you even get a title anyway? If you said it was grind to get the points, then I guess you have some standing. But ticking a box?
And comparing 5 secs to tick a box and 20 minutes trekking across the map? You can't see the difference? As for having it just cause you've earned it? Well, just turn it on. See icon good. Not see icon Bad. So go turn the thing on. Not that you'd notice anyway. Short of DOA and maybe bosses, what do you need it for? Margos and torments melt with or without LB up. And even in HM, the damage they do is not something that's unbearable.
I think there's other stuff need to be fixed more important than this one.
I think there's other stuff need to be fixed more important than this one.
Folken ~oOo~
/not signed
Cuz :
Cuz :
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Imagine you make a build bases in damage reversal, being able to disable the title will be better for that build.
I'd rather they work on important things than something to save you two clicks. Heaven knows that they have enough more-pressing matters to deal with.