Originally Posted by t_the_nihilst
This is a discussion board, is it not?
So discuss. Let me offer some topics: -Are you afraid to trade? -How do you feel about the fact that innocent people are getting banned, meanwhile very recently people are still out there selling armbraces of truth for 10k each? -Should buying unidentified gold items from a bot be a bannable offense? -How do you feel about one-sided trading? -How do you feel in general knowing that all your trades are being monitored? Does it make you feel safe or uneasy? Why? |
-Are you afraid to trade? A little bit. I'm not a high end trader, so I don't think any of my trades could hit Anet radars. I have been involved in 1 sided trades with guildies, but none of the folks in my Alliance were banned so I don't think it's an issue for us.
-How do you feel about the fact that innocent people are getting banned, meanwhile very recently people are still out there selling armbraces of truth for 10k each?
First, I'll dispute the fact that armbraces are currently being traded for 10k. Do you know that to be true? Proof? I see people offering 10k for them, but I don't see any sellers. Heck, I saw a guy about a month ago offering 4k for a mini Panda in Kaineng. He was spamming his offer for several hours. I doubt he ever obtained one.
Unfortunately, this was a bad situation all around. Yes, innocents were banned, but everyone who was banned has the right to appeal the ban and Anet did reverse the decision. I'd be much more concerned if their was no appeal process and the ban was permanent even if you were innocent. (I've played games where that was true and it sucks) I'm not going to say that Anet had no reason to ban you. They did have a reason. You conducted a trade with someone involved in duping. At the time, they have no way of knowing if your guildmate was an innocent or an alt account for a big time duper.
-Should buying unidentified gold items from a bot be a bannable offense?
No way. How can I know for sure whether the seller is a bot, a Chinese gold farmer or simply a 13 year old French-Canadian kid who can't speak good English. Trading with bots is an ethical issue. Each of us has to decide for ourselves whether or not we're comfortable trading with a bot.
-How do you feel about one-sided trading?
Nothing is inherently wrong with 1-sided trading. I could list at least 10 legit reasons to conduct a 1-sided trade, but I could also list at least 10 shady reasons to do it as well. I think Anet should write a program that flags 1-sided trades with certain conditions for review by a human. (Note: I did not say all 1 sided trades should be flagged. Only those that meet certain conditions)
-How do you feel in general knowing that all your trades are being monitored? Does it make you feel safe or uneasy? Why?
Safe. After all, those monitors are what made it possible to catch and ban the dupers so quickly and trace the loot thru to the dupers alt accounts. Also consider the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: I trade 10 ectos to Player X. Player X agrees to pay me 5k for the ectos. He puts 5k in the trade window and cancels trade. He apologizes saying he just realized he has no room in inventory. He runs to storage and again opens trade and puts up 5k. Again he cancels trade. He apologizes saying he hit the wrong button. Again he opens trade and puts up 5g. I accept the trade without carefully checking the window and I get scammed. I can report the player for scamming and Anet has the logs to verify my info.
Scenario 2: I want to buy a nice Chaos Axe. Someone in town approaches me and shows me a nice Req 10 Chaos Axe 15^50. I ask how much and he says he'll sell for 50k. I agree to the price and we make the trade. Later he whispers to me that he wants his axe back. He says a guildie just offered him 90k for it. I refuse and he says he'll report me for scamming if I don't return it.
He has a screenshot of our trade and he doctors it thru photoshop to make it appear that I only paid 50g for the axe. In this case, I'm very glad Anet has logs of the true trade.