Character Modification!
Personally, I would like nothing more than to have a weekend where modifications can be make to existing characters. Changes such as Name, Hair, hair color, face, and even height! I think it would be a great idea to have aweekend like this, as I know for a fact I am NOT the only one who wants to modify a character!

Wrong forum. This should be in Sardelac Sanitarium.
And besides, Anet have announced that changing your existing characters might be possible in EOTN. Not sure tho.
And besides, Anet have announced that changing your existing characters might be possible in EOTN. Not sure tho.
Do you have a citation for that? I'd like to see it.
Neo Nugget
a whooole huge thread on this in the GW:EN forum. lol you got me all excited with the thread title

yeah, i regret making a female necro... i wish this were possible to change but it seems really unlikely that they will do this.
placebo overdose
i would love this but i think there are better ways to get to this problem what if someone missed the weekend
I like this idea, but no reason it should be in this forum section. I guess a mod should move it.
There's already a huge thread about this in the Sardelac Sanitarium. It's been discussed many times before, and I think most people would agree. We do need some way to edit our characters, even if it costs some amount of platinum. Definitely shouldn't be free, and I don't see why it should be merely a weekend event.
If they could do it, they'd implement it permanently, not just stick it in for a weekend and then take it away. It's possible that they're working on it for GWEN, but I wouldn't look too forward to it.
i believe GWEN has this feature in it in the form of a Character Modification NPC which should allow height, hair color, and skin color only. Not face changing or armor changing like you have in charecter creation screen and no name changing either for database reasons only.