just a thought..



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Celestial Order


well, anet says that the expansion will be as large as chapter 1 of guild wars..hence, will it have same amount of new characters as chapter 1?? If it is not, then what happen if the new player wants to play the new expansion?? will they have to buy the original one and then expansion one?? man, it is going to be costly by then. However, if they are going to use the same marketing plan for CoV (that you will not need to buy the original to play the expansion, but you will just have access to limited area comparing to those who buy the original and expansion) then it will be unfair to those new player since they will have access to only two character (the new assassin character and an unknown new character) if the rumor is true.

Ok, let's assume that if anet is indeed is going to make 6 new character for the new expansion. According to their website, they are going to release two expansion per year. Then, do the match

2 x 6 = 12 new characters per year

Then, in three years time,

3 x 12 = 36 new character

plus the original character from chapter 1,

36 + 6 = 42 CHARACTERS IN TOTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

man, i think this will lead to catastrophe in GW isn't it????

Oh well, it is just my crazy thought..Maybe i think too much..

heavy metal rules

heavy metal rules

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

cape cod, ma

{bkr} bad karma ressurection


yeah your thinking too much man..why worry about others i don't i just worry about me. just enjoy the game.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

there will be AT LEAST2 new with no specified number.

it may be that chapter 1 is needed as a base but all ADDITIONAL chapters are optional.

if so look for a marketing promotion to give chapter 1 free to all chapter 2 (and higher) buyers to not have the high price scare.

lots of different professions equal more variety of character skins and skills so you have more choice.

how can more ways to play the game be disaster.

one of the key developers of the game said in a few years we will literally have thousnads of skills to use with the number of races/professions to use them (at about 75/profession)

whats the problem?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Celestial Order


well, there is more things to exploit and balancing would be more difficult