The Iscariot Organization [TIO] recruiting and looking for good guilds to ally with.

Ruven Sr

Ruven Sr

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2007

The Iscariot Organization


Hello. My in game main character is Ruven Sr and I am the leader of The Iscariot Organization. We currently have about 30 members and pretty much all of us are pretty good friends. Occasionaly we have an event here or there. Some have prizes and some don't. Although it wasn't intended when the guild was named, a good number of our members "betrayed" there guild to join us. Personaly I find that kinda funny, but back to the thread.

As for what we are looking for in new members. Mostly we just want a bit more of what we have:
Friendly people
Those that are mainly PvE based, but don't mind doing a bit of PvP
People that don't cuss much, but don't mind if it happens every now or then
A willingness to help if another of us is asking for it
A decent sense humor(We joke around with eachother a good amout of the time.)
An activity of at least once every 3 weeks
For what we can offer you. Well lets see:
A good freindly member base
Help with pretty much anything PvE(Most of us usualy don't turn away one of ours looking for help.)
Members that aren't afraid to go into the occasional PvP match
We aren't stingy with giving out our builds to eachother if asked
What much more can I really say? Were just a group of friends willing to offer our friendship to anyone willing to take it.
Most of our members are from the US, there are a few that aren't. Our US members are from all over. For the most part we almost always have at least 1 or 2 people on. Were not afraid to raise a new player from there first day of play. We all were there at one point and we have already helped to raise a few people in the ways of GW. Most of those we helped to raise are still with us. A few of them even with our help couldn't get into the game. Just the same we have experienced players who have beat all the games on multiple characters. We value all of our members and I almost consider my guild mates to be family, not sure if the rest of the members feel that way. Were not to worried about age as long as you don't constantly act like a small child.

All in all were just a group of friends looking for a few more.

We have a vent and a TS server, but they are both rotting since pretty much no one ever uses them. We have our own forum. Registration on it is not required, but most major things are discussed on them. It's just so much easier than having to try and catch someone on to get there opinion on a certain matter.

Once again my in game is Ruven Sr. If you have any questions that weren't answered here feel free to contact me in game or leave me a message here. If you want to join up with [TIO] then once again feel free to message me in game or on here.