Originally Posted by MagmaRed
I still do not know what your problem is with Attunements. Please post your build so I can understand what causes you problems.
I do not see any reason an Attunement cannot be used, maintained, and appreciated. Granted, there WILL be times it will get removed. But there are ways to prevent that (most of the time) and deal with it. I would like to see the build you use so I can understand why an Attunement is not helping you.
Problem is strips and interrupts, and I play in PvP mostly now.
Here is the PvE one.
Mark of rodgort, fireball, searing flames, glowing gaze, glyph of lesser energy, fire attunement, aura of restoration, res.
Even this:
Blinding surge, lightning orb, lightning javelin, gale, air attunement, aura of restoration, glyph of lesser energy, res.
Runs out.
Once again my problem is that they when they are stripped, EVEN THROUGH THE COVER ENCHANTMENT, or simply interrupted unexpectedly, you have to wait ages for them to come back, and until then a good bit of your energy management is gone. Once that is the case it has a huge recharge time and you just waisted 10 energy, gg.
Not only that but any profession can run attunement to manage energy and such, I want energy storage to have some role in this, like it does in other energy management skills, so it can not be abused by others. Or at least reduce the recharge time if you insist on waisting a slot that can easily be countered be my guest.
Just want it more manageable and less dependable or counterable.