Do Players need a bigger ignore list?
After using the Search Option and failing to see any Thread like this I take the ''honor'' of doing it.
Pretty much every avarage player knows you cannot have more then 10 people on your ignore list which is pretty ridicules already.
Standing in Kamadan for a few minutes can also get your ignore list pretty full, ever since they forced sellers/buyers to use the Trade Chat, Local Chat has been a playground for Flamers and whatnot.
Gold Sellers PMing you if you want to buy ''Ban-Free gold'' from their sites can also fill your ignore list in a matter of hours.
And what about PvP, RA, AB and any other form of PvP with Random PuG's that can lead to a flaming discussion?
So... my question is, does the average Guild Wars player have enough space on their Ignore List? And does removing players after a period of time help? Or are we in need of a bigger Ignore List?
Pretty much every avarage player knows you cannot have more then 10 people on your ignore list which is pretty ridicules already.
Standing in Kamadan for a few minutes can also get your ignore list pretty full, ever since they forced sellers/buyers to use the Trade Chat, Local Chat has been a playground for Flamers and whatnot.
Gold Sellers PMing you if you want to buy ''Ban-Free gold'' from their sites can also fill your ignore list in a matter of hours.
And what about PvP, RA, AB and any other form of PvP with Random PuG's that can lead to a flaming discussion?
So... my question is, does the average Guild Wars player have enough space on their Ignore List? And does removing players after a period of time help? Or are we in need of a bigger Ignore List?
I dont have this problem in Kamadan at all... are you on the US servers :S? - Go Go EU ! Never experienced any problems with not havign enough ignore space... Freinds list is another matter though - mine is all full up
I semi/know your plight

I semi/know your plight
we need like 100 ignore slots.
asswipes> out weighs nice ppl 10 to 1 lol
we need like 100 ignore slots.
asswipes> out weighs nice ppl 10 to 1 lol
I have 3 people on my ignore list.. I mean if someone is verbally attacking me I put them on the list.. after a few hours or the next day I remove them.. usually they don't pm me again. And the gold sellers pm'ing you.. I put then on the list for 10 mins meanwhile I try and report them. They are usually banned not long after.. so no need to keep on the ignore list for very long.
While I agree that we could use this, I'd say it belongs on the lower list of priorities.. this looks like something that would be relatively simple to do though, so maybe it'll happen sooner than later. However, if it's a choice between some serious game fixes or a longer ignore list, I'd fully understand if they focus their energy on fixes.
Onarik Amrak
Yes, very much so.
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
we need like 100 ignore slots. asswipes> out weighs nice ppl 10 to 1 lol |
This is a fact. Especially when people with like 5+ accounts decide to hold a grudge against you with more endless spam. WTB license to perma-ban pm price!!!1
Dr Strangelove
I have an empty ignore list right now. I've never had more than 1 person on it. methinks you folks need to stop getting in fights.
Bryant Again
We need another Player Status option: Offline to everyone except people in your friend's list, guild and alliance.
Wouldn't mind more space on the friends list as well
I think that the friends list should be expanded as well. I mean, you can't have enough friends, can you?
Originally Posted by Deathly_Overlord
I dont have this problem in Kamadan at all... are you on the US servers :S? - Go Go EU !
Spending time in the towns during the last event weekend was painful. If only there was a way to block everything from anyone under 18...
Spending time in the towns during the last event weekend was painful. If only there was a way to block everything from anyone under 18...
Originally Posted by tellute
Spending time in the towns during the last event weekend was painful. If only there was a way to block everything from anyone under 18... |
Well, to me the Do-not-disturb function should be updated..
I mean, why does it pertain to everyone, even people on your friends list? After all, if your friends are indeed disturbing why are they even on your list to begin with?
Update do not disturb plz.
I mean, why does it pertain to everyone, even people on your friends list? After all, if your friends are indeed disturbing why are they even on your list to begin with?
Update do not disturb plz.
The Herbalizer
I have not had to add anyone to my ignore list in like a year. Only got two people on it.
in 27 month the max i ever had in my ignore list was one...i dont know how u do to to have so many people in it lol.
Neo Nugget
Well a few people that have bugged me have earned a way on my list.
-random spammers
-beggars in wisper
i just delete the old people that were from a year ago that i still have on there.I doubt people come to bug people after 2 years.
But more friend list spaces is what i would like =D
-random spammers
-beggars in wisper
i just delete the old people that were from a year ago that i still have on there.I doubt people come to bug people after 2 years.
But more friend list spaces is what i would like =D
While adding more ignore slots solves the problem, an alternative solution is just to delete the people you first added to your ignore list. Few people will bother to continue trying to message you after they've been ignored once.
placebo overdose
i have never needed that many most of the people you need to ignore give up after a day or two so just take them off
6am3 Fana71c
Geez what's wrong with everyone? I only have 1 person who is on my perma ignore list. If someone is beeing an ass and PMing me with nonsense, I just ignore him for couple of hours, and it stops. For everything else, you can just disable channel which bothers you (Local, Trade, etc)
As for friends list, I don't see point of having too much persons on it. I keep there only the people who I talk /play with regulary.
As for friends list, I don't see point of having too much persons on it. I keep there only the people who I talk /play with regulary.
In the past 26 months I haven't ignored anyone. I don't put people on my ignore list for stupid reasons. I don't really put them in their if I have a problem with them, make me feel like im running away from it lol.
Originally Posted by Gwmaster
in 27 month the max i ever had in my ignore list was one...i dont know how u do to to have so many people in it lol.
Pretty easy to have many people on your ignore list. Examples: people who see you on observer mode and stalk you (estalkers) asking to join your guild/be their friend, people who try to get free gold and stuff off you, lonely housewives who have nothing better to do other than cyber with strangers, guys with no jobs who stay home and smoke weed all day, do I really need to go on? LOL Thankfully my ignore list is empty since everyone decided to leave for WoW. rofl
Maybe it's because I don't trade with the public that often, but I've never had more than 3-5 people on ignore at a time. If the person is a real problem, just report them, and Anet will ban them.
It wouldn't bother me to have more than the current number, but I can't say I'd use them. I've never even been spammed by gold sellers when I sit around Kamadan. >.>
It wouldn't bother me to have more than the current number, but I can't say I'd use them. I've never even been spammed by gold sellers when I sit around Kamadan. >.>
Malice Black
I've only had to add a few people, and that was because of immature asses PMing me in-game about bans they received on Guru. They stayed on a for a day or 2 then removed.
I doubt you really need to ignore people forever, they will soon forget who you are.
I've only had to add a few people, and that was because of immature asses PMing me in-game about bans they received on Guru. They stayed on a for a day or 2 then removed.
I doubt you really need to ignore people forever, they will soon forget who you are.
not got anyone on my ignore list, i have no reason to use it.
yeah, i say a bigger firend and ignore list.
i cna wait awhiel tho,not a top priority
i cna wait awhiel tho,not a top priority
personally i just set status: offline/do-not-disturb
Originally Posted by Malice Black
I doubt you really need to ignore people forever, they will soon forget who you are.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Diabloâ„¢
personally i just set status: offline/do-not-disturb
While I wouldn't put it as immediate necessity, I wouldn't mind having the list expanded.
While I do not engage myself into verbal battles, nor am a victim of relentless PM's by Emo-Teens who have a limited insultive vocabulary of "noob" and "I did your mom", my lack of impatience is directed towards local chat spammers. That is to agree with the Author.
Even after Anet put the warning sign directly in front of players faces, where the eyes could not avoid its sight, trade spam continues in local chat, as though oblivious to the English language, unless it's their own self typed advertising. Too each their own, I simply can't stand it and I put them on my ignore list.
Guild recruiting I can handle, but not the recruiting spammers, who can spam more than the local chat trade spammers at certain times. Again, for relief, abolished from my presence with ignore.
It's not out of place, for certain within realms of Kamadan, Ascalon, Kaineng, Lions Arch, and similar habitats of high head counts, to see excessive amounts of chat spammers who have little respect for the general public.
True, the ability is held to shut off local chat. Yet, local chat is there for me to use and to use without being subjected to a Live Streaming Hotmail Junk Folder.
So yes to an expanded list, with the understanding that there are more important things the developers must attend to first and should attend to first.
While I do not engage myself into verbal battles, nor am a victim of relentless PM's by Emo-Teens who have a limited insultive vocabulary of "noob" and "I did your mom", my lack of impatience is directed towards local chat spammers. That is to agree with the Author.
Even after Anet put the warning sign directly in front of players faces, where the eyes could not avoid its sight, trade spam continues in local chat, as though oblivious to the English language, unless it's their own self typed advertising. Too each their own, I simply can't stand it and I put them on my ignore list.
Guild recruiting I can handle, but not the recruiting spammers, who can spam more than the local chat trade spammers at certain times. Again, for relief, abolished from my presence with ignore.
It's not out of place, for certain within realms of Kamadan, Ascalon, Kaineng, Lions Arch, and similar habitats of high head counts, to see excessive amounts of chat spammers who have little respect for the general public.
True, the ability is held to shut off local chat. Yet, local chat is there for me to use and to use without being subjected to a Live Streaming Hotmail Junk Folder.
So yes to an expanded list, with the understanding that there are more important things the developers must attend to first and should attend to first.
Jaythen Tyradel
I currently have no one on my ignore list.
I have had a few people on there but after a while I took them off and haven't had a problem about them since.
If someone really annoys me in all or trade chat: I just turn it off or change districts or go do something else.
If i get guild recruitment PM's...I will put on my ignore. No way you will make a friend of me if you beg me to join or simply think I will join because you randomly sent me a PM about your guild.
Other than that I haven't had any issues.
I have received a few "hey lend some material" or "can I have X amount of K from you" from people I have never met or played with at all ingame.
I have had a few people on there but after a while I took them off and haven't had a problem about them since.
If someone really annoys me in all or trade chat: I just turn it off or change districts or go do something else.
If i get guild recruitment PM's...I will put on my ignore. No way you will make a friend of me if you beg me to join or simply think I will join because you randomly sent me a PM about your guild.
Other than that I haven't had any issues.
I have received a few "hey lend some material" or "can I have X amount of K from you" from people I have never met or played with at all ingame.

Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
we need like 100 ignore slots. asswipes> out weighs nice ppl 10 to 1 lol |
Totally agree.
Yes, I've been wanting a longer ignore list forever, and no I don't pick fights. There are just a lot of idiots and rude people I have pug'd with. There are pervs in Shing Jea and many other locations. 10 is just too small. Btw, the friends list could be a little longer too unless they figure out a way for us to see who's online in the alliance as well. That would free up my friends list greatly if there were an alliance tab.
After like a day just take them off they usually never message you again.
and I want a customizable chat filter which i can add the specific words.
if someone's chat include the words, that whole chat(even name) will not be displayed.
and I want a customizable chat filter which i can add the specific words.
if someone's chat include the words, that whole chat(even name) will not be displayed.
I've only ever put someone on the ignore list if they absolutely won't leave me alone and even then after a day or two they don't PM me anymore. The only reason I can see keeping someone on your ignore list for a lengthy period of time is if they PM you daily, and I doubt there are enough people like that in game to need a larger Ignore List.
I've only ever put someone on the ignore list if they absolutely won't leave me alone and even then after a day or two they don't PM me anymore. The only reason I can see keeping someone on your ignore list for a lengthy period of time is if they PM you daily, and I doubt there are enough people like that in game to need a larger Ignore List.
Putting random jerks to ignore is pointless as you will likely never meet them again ... ever. Grow some skin, or stop being obvious target for their flaming whispers.
Someone bothering you personally in PMs can be sorted out by going to DnD mode or by being a bit assertive and telling him to stop, and for less inteligent ones that wont stop, you can arrange nice ban for them.
I never, ever needed to put anyone to ignore.
Someone bothering you personally in PMs can be sorted out by going to DnD mode or by being a bit assertive and telling him to stop, and for less inteligent ones that wont stop, you can arrange nice ban for them.
I never, ever needed to put anyone to ignore.
I done never used it.
Even when some weirdo in Prophecies started asking me weird sexual questions, I never used it.
Whackadoo that player was. I wonder where that person is now...
Even when some weirdo in Prophecies started asking me weird sexual questions, I never used it.
Whackadoo that player was. I wonder where that person is now...
I try to ignore people who I'll never want to party with. Ever. The noobs who just won't listen to instructions after the whole party repeatedly asks them. I'm fine with new players, but not noobs like that. So yeah, we need a bigger list.
And to the person(s) who said "this is pretty low on priority list," it would most likely only take them a few seconds to find the value for ignore list and add a "0" after the "10."
Although I'm not too certain how poorly they have the friends/ignore list written, it might be harder than that, but it shouldn't be.
And to the person(s) who said "this is pretty low on priority list," it would most likely only take them a few seconds to find the value for ignore list and add a "0" after the "10."
Although I'm not too certain how poorly they have the friends/ignore list written, it might be harder than that, but it shouldn't be.