Originally Posted by Aryonas
Skill name: Flintch
Energy Cost: 15
Recharge Time: 20
Casting time: Instant
Bow Skill. Fire an arrow which gets interupted. Target foe flintches causing dazed for 3-17 seconds. If target foe was activating a skill, that skill is interupted and has double it's normal recharge time.
Eeeerm... an Arrow that gets interrupted? O.รณ so your skill interrupts itself? lol xD Also if it causes Exhaustion it should say in the skill "This Spell/Skill causes Exhaustion". Also i doubt a simple small flinch would cause dazed for THAT LONG! O_O We already have an Elite that does this;
Broad Head Arrow, So maybe instead an Elite attack that does aload of damage and if it interrupts it doubles the recharge time?
Like an improved
Distracting Shot with +10...18 damage and increased arrow speed? (kinda like
Punishing Shot with a longer cooldown and the effect of distract shot).
Problem is i can't really see a way to improve those skills without making them unbalanced since we pritty much have your skill already :S hehe ^^;;
(Also sorry btw ^^ Don't take this as negative feedback, take it as constructive criticism tehee! :P)