prophices care seem to lvl alot slower to me then they do in factions and nightfall
Lilith Moonraven
Is it me or has anyone else noticed this.I'd really like views on why there seems to be leveling differences in the 3 chapters
Factions was intended to have faster leveling and more lv. 20 content. Players complained that it was too fast, so they lessened the curve in Nightfall.
Yes, Prophecies characters level slower. This is due to the lower xp rewards for quests and missions. The reason* may very well be that Proph is the first game, and so they set up a slower development curve to gradually introduce players to the game and how it works.
Factions is mighty fast by comparison. Several of the quests are worth over 1000xp, compared with the wopping 500xp for most of Proph quests. Some people found the character growth in Factions to be something near approaching the speed of light... I'd be one of those people, and they slowed things down a touch in NF. NF is still much faster than Prophecies, especially with things like bounties, but not quite as fast as Factions. I think NF hit the sweet spot for char development speed... just my opinion.
* Pure speculation, based in no part on any official info from A-Net.
Factions is mighty fast by comparison. Several of the quests are worth over 1000xp, compared with the wopping 500xp for most of Proph quests. Some people found the character growth in Factions to be something near approaching the speed of light... I'd be one of those people, and they slowed things down a touch in NF. NF is still much faster than Prophecies, especially with things like bounties, but not quite as fast as Factions. I think NF hit the sweet spot for char development speed... just my opinion.
* Pure speculation, based in no part on any official info from A-Net.
factions was moreso for people migrating from prophecies who already beat the game. Ergo there was level 20 content to jump right into, that was also implemented in Nightfall just differently.
Although I prefer to run chars through factions (except for minister chos crap estate) so I can level em quickly and get going.
Although I prefer to run chars through factions (except for minister chos crap estate) so I can level em quickly and get going.
You're all wrong. It's because Prophecies is legit and Factions and NF are both uber-hax0r.
placebo overdose
see i liked prophicies because in fac and NF you end up on a big island with lvl 20 enemies low level armor and not many skills
in proph you get tons of skills to try for free and lots of time to craft armor for the enemies you are fighting (take out the jungle that is useless)
in proph you get tons of skills to try for free and lots of time to craft armor for the enemies you are fighting (take out the jungle that is useless)
Originally Posted by ensoriki
factions was moreso for people migrating from prophecies who already beat the game. Ergo there was level 20 content to jump right into, that was also implemented in Nightfall just differently.
People complained about the slow leveling in prophecies...they over-compensated with Factions...people complained it was too they slowed it down for Nightfall...
I like Nightfall leveling the most....if I just want a level 20 I take my characters to factions.
(take out the jungle that is useless) |
yea what everyone else said, the diffrences in leveling are becuase of community feedback
Prophecies was the first game that taught most of us how to play the game, with brand new mechanics and everything, so they made it have a really nice learning curve for us to test everything out. People didn't want to go through that same grind again for the other games, so Anet made them much faster paced.
savage vapor 33
Why cant we go back to the days where it was prophecies only. Slower leveling, better players, hard as hell to play. mm hmmm the good ol days.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by BLOODGOAT
You're all wrong. It's because Prophecies is legit and Factions and NF are both uber-hax0r.
I have 4 Prophecies characters, 3 Factions and 3 Nightfall. My experience is this. From level 1 to 20 by making missions and quests (no running, power leveling or skipping) 6hours a day...1hour a day:
Prophecies: 2weeks..2months.
Factions: 6 hours 6 days.
Nightfall: 15 hours...15 days.
Cool eh?
Prophecies: 2weeks..2months.
Factions: 6 hours 6 days.
Nightfall: 15 hours...15 days.
Cool eh?
Retribution X
in all actuality, Prophecies and factions have about the same leveling speed. At least, well you can get your character to level 20 in the same amount of time.
In nightfall, you cannot. Which seriously sucked ass.
And Malice is right. That post wins this thread.
In nightfall, you cannot. Which seriously sucked ass.
And Malice is right. That post wins this thread.
Performance Pudding
i may get dumped on for saying this but ive found that after prophecies the game became way more gimmiky and got fairly boring. (the game just seemed to lose its sense of authenticity, hard to explain) so i swapped to good ol pre then travelled slowly back into the world of tyria and crept back out into w/e else. btw i got used to the campaigns and they all seem nice now. but to go back to the question i found that you can get to lvl 20 in under 24 hours in pre if you just follow the main questline and do the missions.
the fastest way would probably be: create char 2ndary as mesmer or warrior if u are a mesmer -> academy ->northern wall-> yaks-> LA -> and so on although i said proph missions are the most boring if your trying to be a title RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO like i said in the worst missions thread but if your playing for fun is which i try to do prophecies is by far the most enjoyable.
(best war armor in the game is elite charr, fow is over rated and all others are bland, would of been gladiator if they didnt release that gay helm which only looks good if your a elf from lotr)
wow i get off track well really easilly but untill i get home ill be babbling on in these forums.
the fastest way would probably be: create char 2ndary as mesmer or warrior if u are a mesmer -> academy ->northern wall-> yaks-> LA -> and so on although i said proph missions are the most boring if your trying to be a title RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO like i said in the worst missions thread but if your playing for fun is which i try to do prophecies is by far the most enjoyable.
(best war armor in the game is elite charr, fow is over rated and all others are bland, would of been gladiator if they didnt release that gay helm which only looks good if your a elf from lotr)
wow i get off track well really easilly but untill i get home ill be babbling on in these forums.
Sophitia Leafblade
Personally I think Phrophecies leveling was the better method,p you could take your time exploring doing missions etc. NF and Factions both promote high speed through the campaign and few people ever bothered with the quests since the primary quests gave all the xp you needed.
However If you wanted a lvl 20 fast you still could get one in prophecies, in less than a day of play you could easy get to lvl 20 and get through most (if not all) of the campaign much like the other campaigns, the difference is prophecies didnt force you to go at that rate it was an optional choice. IT was far easier to chill out and take things abit at a time. (as in do a mission, go exploring, do a quest, explore some more, maybe do another mission, etc. etc.)
However If you wanted a lvl 20 fast you still could get one in prophecies, in less than a day of play you could easy get to lvl 20 and get through most (if not all) of the campaign much like the other campaigns, the difference is prophecies didnt force you to go at that rate it was an optional choice. IT was far easier to chill out and take things abit at a time. (as in do a mission, go exploring, do a quest, explore some more, maybe do another mission, etc. etc.)
I liked the openness of Prophecies, but at the same time it caused a lot of problems when I first started playing the game. I didn't really have any idea where I was, or where I was supposed to be going, and I actually missed a mission or two and parts of the story made no sense because of that. Once you understand that you're supposed to do Primary Quests and Missions to progress in the game, it's fine, but I don't think it actually tells you that anyway.
Both Factions and Nightfall taught you how to play the game better, although the speed you progress in Factions is ridiculously high. I think all of the quests give you between 2,500 - 5000 exp.
Both Factions and Nightfall taught you how to play the game better, although the speed you progress in Factions is ridiculously high. I think all of the quests give you between 2,500 - 5000 exp.
Originally Posted by Performance Pudding
i may get dumped on for saying this but ive found that after prophecies the game became way more gimmiky and got fairly boring. (the game just seemed to lose its sense of authenticity, hard to explain) so i swapped to good ol pre then travelled slowly back into the world of tyria and crept back out into w/e else. btw i got used to the campaigns and they all seem nice now. but to go back to the question i found that you can get to lvl 20 in under 24 hours in pre if you just follow the main questline and do the missions.
the fastest way would probably be: create char 2ndary as mesmer or warrior if u are a mesmer -> academy ->northern wall-> yaks-> LA -> and so on although i said proph missions are the most boring if your trying to be a title RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO like i said in the worst missions thread but if your playing for fun is which i try to do prophecies is by far the most enjoyable. (best war armor in the game is elite charr, fow is over rated and all others are bland, would of been gladiator if they didnt release that gay helm which only looks good if your a elf from lotr) wow i get off track well really easilly but untill i get home ill be babbling on in these forums. |
If Factions and Nightfall leveled as slow as Prophecies did then more than half of Factions and Nightfall content would be pre-level 20 content.
That probably wouldn't have sat too well with all the people who had lvl 20 Prophecies characters that they wanted to play exclusively. They'd be buying Factions and Nightfall for less than half the content.
That probably wouldn't have sat too well with all the people who had lvl 20 Prophecies characters that they wanted to play exclusively. They'd be buying Factions and Nightfall for less than half the content.
Lilith Moonraven
I'm still trying out different character ideas and just trying to find out what works for me.I always go looking for the secondary quests.I find it all very fun and enjoyable.

Many people have level 20 characters in Prophecies, so if they spend a lot of time making low level content for Factions and Nightfall, people with level 20 characters won't get to enjoy that (unless they make a new char, but some people like their old one).
Originally Posted by Thunder79's a significant chunk of the storyline in Prophecies...if anything they should eliminate the ability to get run straight to Sanctum Cay and make people at least run through the prophecies campaign. I'm sure there's a significant chunk of the community who won't even know who the Shining Blade are when Livia is introduced in GW:EN (the Shining Blade Necromancer Hero)
Why cant we go back to the days where it was prophecies only. Slower leveling, better players, hard as hell to play. mm hmmm the good ol days. |
Performance Pudding
Quote: Originally Posted by Performance Pudding i may get dumped on for saying this but ive found that after prophecies the game became way more gimmiky and got fairly boring. (the game just seemed to lose its sense of authenticity, hard to explain) so i swapped to good ol pre then travelled slowly back into the world of tyria and crept back out into w/e else. btw i got used to the campaigns and they all seem nice now. but to go back to the question i found that you can get to lvl 20 in under 24 hours in pre if you just follow the main questline and do the missions. the fastest way would probably be: create char 2ndary as mesmer or warrior if u are a mesmer -> academy ->northern wall-> yaks-> LA -> and so on although i said proph missions are the most boring if your trying to be a title RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO like i said in the worst missions thread but if your playing for fun is which i try to do prophecies is by far the most enjoyable. (best war armor in the game is elite charr, fow is over rated and all others are bland, would of been gladiator if they didnt release that gay helm which only looks good if your a elf from lotr) wow i get off track well really easilly but untill i get home ill be babbling on in these forums. punctuation, sentance structure, and proper spelling, and someone might be able to read AND comprehend this post.... |
also i agree with the above posts.
Njaiguni Blaze
Factions has 2k+ rewards on the tutorial island, as does Nightfall. Nightfall also has bounties which give you double xp.
Performance Pudding
anyone who thinks leveling in prophecies is hard or takes a month of gameplay needs to leave pre searing :P and yes i tryed to tame the bunny to...
Kool Pajamas
The real reason is that people wanted more level 20 content than Prophecies had. So they made it in Factions you leveled to 20 quick, so that nearly all the content was for level 20s. Then people said the leveling was too fast so they eased it up in Nightfall.
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
punctuation, sentance structure, and proper spelling, and someone might be able to read AND comprehend this post....
I think Factions was why we have a flood of monks who don't know how to heal. People who started out in Proph seem to have a handle of the subtleties in the game. Others tend to see it as c-space-c-space-c-space.......
Acolyte of Zero
here's my guess.. as Prophecies is the first campaign they made,
they made it so it's time consuming, hoping that the gaming community will last longer this way.
but after community's input, they decided they shouldn't make each campaign as tedious, instead keep developing new campaign so community will go for long time.. just my guess tho.
NF was my first guildwar campaign I played, so prophecy feels really tedious, but I like the environment so Im still playing it tho..
they made it so it's time consuming, hoping that the gaming community will last longer this way.
but after community's input, they decided they shouldn't make each campaign as tedious, instead keep developing new campaign so community will go for long time.. just my guess tho.
NF was my first guildwar campaign I played, so prophecy feels really tedious, but I like the environment so Im still playing it tho..
Performance Pudding
haggus what was his typo? is sentance spelt setanence or something, well now im just confused and totally bored omg i wanna do something other than forums. >.<
Njaiguni Blaze
It's sentence, even I know that, and I'm dutch.