What to do when Bored?
Ventrilo Swiftclaw
i am just chilling on guild wars and i am getting slightly bored. and i am wondering, what types of things does everyone do when they get bored on the game? post your thoughts and things here!
Well recently I haven't been bored becasue I've been doing so much pvp. Way before titles were even thought of (or even factions was a twinkle in anets eye) I pvp'd like crazy. Then my guild shattered and I've been doing pve ever since 
So now I'm trying to get a gladiator title (1/25 on the first level, W00T! GOT MY FIRST POINT TODAY, LOL) because they didn't count the ones you got before. So I've been Ra'ing for the past 2 days, but just ~1 hour a day playing, too much homework and stuffs.
That's what I do.

So now I'm trying to get a gladiator title (1/25 on the first level, W00T! GOT MY FIRST POINT TODAY, LOL) because they didn't count the ones you got before. So I've been Ra'ing for the past 2 days, but just ~1 hour a day playing, too much homework and stuffs.
That's what I do.
I sing to my pillow.
I also make origami animals out of the pile of pizza boxes on my balcony.
I have spicy smelling farm diorama out there.
I also make origami animals out of the pile of pizza boxes on my balcony.
I have spicy smelling farm diorama out there.
Ventrilo Swiftclaw
im talking about stuff on the game? liek what type of things do you do for fun in the game?
Sasuke The Betrayer
Hmm. Titles, Elite missions, trading, chatting with friends, farming... that's bout it. Also.. when I get too bored of these things, I tend to stray away from guild wars for a week or two, playing different games like BF2 and then coming back excited to playing guild wars. I actually have a break till EoTN preview weekend starts.
Uninstall and reinstall... oh wait things with in the game.... Hmm Farm, work on titles. You don't know boredom until your 98.7% thru unlocking tryian landscape; And you can't find the missing percent.
Either that or make funny character names and do some AB
here is a sort list,
Medic Im Hit (Thinking it would be like a Rit, Due to the <blank> was <blank> like skill names)
Heterozygous Allele (Not that funny, I just covered an entire chapter on genetics and thought it sound cool)
Mendel Pea (It has to be a monk)
Fred Nietzsche (Then when you die constanly ping, I'm Dead)
and last one, Hahaha Missed Me.
Either that or make funny character names and do some AB
here is a sort list,
Medic Im Hit (Thinking it would be like a Rit, Due to the <blank> was <blank> like skill names)
Heterozygous Allele (Not that funny, I just covered an entire chapter on genetics and thought it sound cool)
Mendel Pea (It has to be a monk)
Fred Nietzsche (Then when you die constanly ping, I'm Dead)
and last one, Hahaha Missed Me.
hmmmm...I usually do stuff I haven't done in a while. Like PvP. I have 9 toons so I can just switch up and play a different profession. I've found that ppl play the same 1 or 2 characters all the time and don't understand why they're burnt out or frustrated. I play my Necro and my Ranger alot but lately I've been working on my Wammoa and only going on my Necro to farm or do FoW runs. Also, I have a pre-Searing toon that I'm working on and she's reminding me of the how I felt when I first started playing.
I agree that you might need to take some time away from GW. I play Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and like to read and do loads of other stuff. Indulging your other hobbies keeps you fresh for playing GW b/c you don't have a chance to OD on it. *lol*
I agree that you might need to take some time away from GW. I play Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and like to read and do loads of other stuff. Indulging your other hobbies keeps you fresh for playing GW b/c you don't have a chance to OD on it. *lol*
Mesmer in Need
spam "selling one vial of black dye 100g" in ascalon city with do not disturb on.... fun times.
I do either some PvP or farming of some sort, whether it be chest farming, sunspear point farming, or something. I have a fun guild with some amazing people so there's always some good times =]
My mesmer probably has half the skills in the game.
So maybe you can make a mesmer or ranger and start learning all the skills, (all the spells in-game for your mesmer/all the non-spell skills for your ranger)
I don't know!
So maybe you can make a mesmer or ranger and start learning all the skills, (all the spells in-game for your mesmer/all the non-spell skills for your ranger)
I don't know!
Neo Nugget
Well this is Neo talking from 1 week into the future.
do elite missions .. or talk in grotto
Help out a guildmate, AB, explore some random area that you really don't go to at all, or continue with trying to get all the characters further in the game >_>.
Run around in circles.. spread havoc to unsuspecting people. (In a good way)
Or you could just go waste a ton of money, if you have it. Perhaps salvage a ton of nice stuff too, thats what i do.
Or you could just go waste a ton of money, if you have it. Perhaps salvage a ton of nice stuff too, thats what i do.
savage vapor 33
Quit until something good happens. Raid as many vents as you can. Buy a voice changer. Have sex.
Spam "WTB duped (XXX items) (XX)K each" while turning your chat off.
Friends/Books/Girls = Bedroom sport
/Music/Never TV/Dreaming.....enjoying RL.

Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
I sing to my pillow.
I also make origami animals out of the pile of pizza boxes on my balcony. I have spicy smelling farm diorama out there. |
Eh when I'm bored with GW or WoW I go play classic Doom. I'm addicted to playing usermade mods and levels for it.
Performance Pudding
my fav thing to do when im bored is go to pre so many people just doin random stuff and tons of random noobs to trick. my fav trick to do is to stand in ascalon pre searing and if your facing the exit hug the right wall past the swirly thing that makes you map out. 2 or 3 tiles down is the max you can walk if u have the details on textures maxed you can see a little verticle line that should align with your head perfectly if your max height. so anyway i stand there and say prizes to anyoneone who can stand behind me. (which is immpossible unless i ddint inch all the way back which i usually dont do, and if they manage it say you cant be touching me either :P) also somone tryed to report me because i gave them 1 gold as a prize to shut them up. so i said idc did some swearing well i know the swearing was bad but saying im gona report you because u gave me 1 gold is just wrong. note to anyone that trys this and people try to report you dont worry your not taking anything from them so its all good. well ya another long pointless post made by me.
Troll on gwg?
Play WoW
stupid word limit
stupid word limit
Troll on gwg? |
When I'm not actively (or need a break from) working on a char/campaign, I spend quite a lot of time doing various missions over and over again - last couple of months it's been mostly Nahpui/Tahnnakai/Senjiang/Vizunah, a while back it was a couple of weeks in the Ring of Fire, etc.
I love this game, so it really doesn't matter much just what particular "thing" I'm doing. And I enjoy seeing newer players get the satisfaction of accomplishing something, like that person who says they've been trying to beat this mission for a week now. If I can in some small way contribute to that accomplishment, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I find that being "nice" has its rewards, too - green bow from 1st boss in Arborstone mission yesterday, 2 greens in a row, bam bam, while helping a guy get from HzH to Lutgardis today.
I love this game, so it really doesn't matter much just what particular "thing" I'm doing. And I enjoy seeing newer players get the satisfaction of accomplishing something, like that person who says they've been trying to beat this mission for a week now. If I can in some small way contribute to that accomplishment, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I find that being "nice" has its rewards, too - green bow from 1st boss in Arborstone mission yesterday, 2 greens in a row, bam bam, while helping a guy get from HzH to Lutgardis today.
Originally Posted by OP
i am just chilling on guild wars and i am getting slightly bored. and i am wondering, what types of things does everyone do when they get bored on the game? post your thoughts and things here!
Good thing to do if bored go to GWG.

Originally Posted by spawnofebil
Play WoW.stupid word limitU R DOIN IT RONG
*Has to revert name to "I Have two Pennies [Pwny]"
Do the "Garden chores" quest.
I've taken to opening Shing Jae chests with lockpicks lately, while waiting for guildies to log on in the evening. At the rate I've been going the last few weeks, I'll max my Luck title in less than a year!

I try not to get bored, by varrying what i do, recently its been vanquishing in Elona, before that it was hero Battles, previous to that HA, then AB, before that was leveling up my ritualist to gain Legendary Survivor.
Did try to level my rnager inbetween that but got disconected and was killed by invisible enemy before the reconnect thing was disabled
If i'n bored with the game then i tend to watch DVD's read or listen to music or even come on here lol. otherwise i have time to soend with the wife n kids if they arent playing or at school
Did try to level my rnager inbetween that but got disconected and was killed by invisible enemy before the reconnect thing was disabled
If i'n bored with the game then i tend to watch DVD's read or listen to music or even come on here lol. otherwise i have time to soend with the wife n kids if they arent playing or at school
Moa Bird Cultist
The same thing our guild does whenever we get bored of the game... Stand around in the guild hall whilst talking absolute balls on skype
That and trolling guru of course, but I usually save that for when I'm at work and have nowt else to do

Enter an AB with only Frenzy and Heal sig. And mending.
Or start a debate on religion, gay or politics in great temple of balthazar.
Or start a debate on religion, gay or politics in great temple of balthazar.
I rush to Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Once you've played all the characters across all the games, there's not as much excitement.
When I'm seriously bored..... I go into Fort Aspenwood with one of my more annoying characters.... listed in order of increasing annoyance-factor.
#1. "My Mucus Sparkles" - Me/E ~ My Super-Degen Mesmer. Turtle-killer extraordinaire... and packing enough degen to take down even a Mystic Regen Dervish. I degen things to death, then Riverdance on their corpse.
#2. "Kim the Sinister" - R/D ~ Spirit-Spammer Ranger with Edge of Extinction. Specialises in defending the Kurzick base by wiping out half the life in it (usually the front half). P!sses off everyone, but still manages to do more good for the Kurzicks than the Luxons.
#3. "Really a Kurzick" - Rt/Mo ~ Sabotage Ritualist for playing on the Luxon side (when I need to gather Luxon points). Specialises in killing allied (i.e. Luxon) spirits and minions... as well as area-healing the Kurzicks and reducing the damage done by Luxon warriors. I usually whisper members of the Kurzick side in advance and let them know I'm helping them, so they don't attack me on sight. The results are VERY amusing...
O'course... when even Fort Aspenwood gets boring..... I take Mighty Storage Stan, my incredibly homosexual storage-Paragon, over to the Temple of Balthazar and put on a gay strip-dance-show for everyone.... usually followed by encouraging all the guys in the area to join in dancing and strip all their clothes off.
I have a screencap somewhere of one of the best times I did that....
Left it at home though.
#1. "My Mucus Sparkles" - Me/E ~ My Super-Degen Mesmer. Turtle-killer extraordinaire... and packing enough degen to take down even a Mystic Regen Dervish. I degen things to death, then Riverdance on their corpse.
#2. "Kim the Sinister" - R/D ~ Spirit-Spammer Ranger with Edge of Extinction. Specialises in defending the Kurzick base by wiping out half the life in it (usually the front half). P!sses off everyone, but still manages to do more good for the Kurzicks than the Luxons.
#3. "Really a Kurzick" - Rt/Mo ~ Sabotage Ritualist for playing on the Luxon side (when I need to gather Luxon points). Specialises in killing allied (i.e. Luxon) spirits and minions... as well as area-healing the Kurzicks and reducing the damage done by Luxon warriors. I usually whisper members of the Kurzick side in advance and let them know I'm helping them, so they don't attack me on sight. The results are VERY amusing...
O'course... when even Fort Aspenwood gets boring..... I take Mighty Storage Stan, my incredibly homosexual storage-Paragon, over to the Temple of Balthazar and put on a gay strip-dance-show for everyone.... usually followed by encouraging all the guys in the area to join in dancing and strip all their clothes off.
I have a screencap somewhere of one of the best times I did that....
Left it at home though.
I'm Waiting for Godot.
when im bored, i stand in my g/h ..
and browse guru .. check eveynow and again for pms lol =o
and browse guru .. check eveynow and again for pms lol =o
When I'm bored I usually go play GW.
Find something I haven't done yet, and master it.
(new profession, new build, new area...)
(new profession, new build, new area...)
Try different games! I'm still shocked when I see what I missed in over two years of GW only..

I’ll answer the OP’s question with a few of my own
1. You have completed Nightfall, Factions and Prophecies with your characters
2. You have enough gold
3. You have maxed all titles
4. You are Rank 15
5. You have unlocked all skills and upgrades
6. You have unlocked all PVP weapons and armours
7. You have capped all Elite skills
8. Your Guild mates never need help
9. You have all the max armours you want
10. You have all the rare weapon skins that you want
11. You have levelled and equipped all heroes
12. Your storage is maxed out with all materials
If you have done all of the above then I should well imagine that you are bored!
1. You have completed Nightfall, Factions and Prophecies with your characters
2. You have enough gold
3. You have maxed all titles
4. You are Rank 15
5. You have unlocked all skills and upgrades
6. You have unlocked all PVP weapons and armours
7. You have capped all Elite skills
8. Your Guild mates never need help
9. You have all the max armours you want
10. You have all the rare weapon skins that you want
11. You have levelled and equipped all heroes
12. Your storage is maxed out with all materials
If you have done all of the above then I should well imagine that you are bored!
Jamming with Abaddon is a fun way to relive boredom.
"You got served!"
"You got served!"
Whack on Willa Willa Willa the Unpleasant waste of time. Clear the area. Set Heroes to heal only and just see how long it takes to take him down Solo. Should still be whacking when GW EN is released.
Miss Puddles
ab with my mesmer. it surprises me how much i enjoy killing assasins