Hey Everyone: I searched wiki, and here for this but just wanted to put this out there for everyone. Not sure what they do but people have been trying to sell Moa Eggs for around 20K claiming they turn into moa minipets. I bought one from a guy I belive was scammed for a couple K and they dont turn into minis! Don't fall for this!!!! I am sending screens into GW for this!!
BTW i know I am a noob for asking this but if you know what they do ca you tell me.
Also dont flame me for buying the egg, I knew it was a scam and 2K is worth having prof before I sent to Anet
Moa Bird Egg Scam!!!!!!
Healers Wisper
other thread
Healers Wisper
Sprry guys other thread poped up as I was researching pls close or join these Mods