Post Your Dungeon clearing pics!
That took about an hour, pretty fun. Dungeon full of wurms. :3 Anyone else done this?
Oh yeah by the way, the whites did NOT drop from the chest. I actually got some nifty stuff. But for the sake of spoilers I won't say, feel free to ask me ingame or by PM though.
Oh yeah by the way, the whites did NOT drop from the chest. I actually got some nifty stuff. But for the sake of spoilers I won't say, feel free to ask me ingame or by PM though.
teh lewt
its not phat
wut hapin?
its not phat
wut hapin?
Jeff Highwind
lol Rel I did the same dungeon, got 2 diamonds from it. That was just insane.
Ares Moonlight
I've never been able to do that.I ALWAYS lose connection near the end.
here are mine 
cleared ravens and burrows
all my heros and henchies and myself all had 60dp at the end of ravens lol but was a fun fight none the less.

cleared ravens and burrows
all my heros and henchies and myself all had 60dp at the end of ravens lol but was a fun fight none the less.
I did the same one. Was quite a lot of fun. I got a Diamond and the Spear of the Kinslayer from the chest.
anyone else tried to do darkrime? is there a trick to getting past the first lvl or is it just not part of the pre view event?
i cleared darkrime, u have to find the 2 keys in order to get to the next level
and i only got a req13 bramble recurvebow from the chest
and i only got a req13 bramble recurvebow from the chest

Finished Sepulchre of Dragrimmar with a couple of guildies, god it was exciting, what a rush.
yea just finished that one as well 3 down 15 more to go 
yea i have to say the first area was long easy and boring and the second was easy and boring up until the lastfight that was a intense fight.

yea i have to say the first area was long easy and boring and the second was easy and boring up until the lastfight that was a intense fight.
Had mad dp
I made it with Ranger RUNNER build xD!
Originally Posted by Gervic
I made it with Ranger RUNNER build xD! whats the name of this dungeon? whats the name of this dungeon?
axe raider x
i got this from clearing darkrime
Somehow, the sheer amount of Sundering greens being found is not encouraging me to purchase the game on the 31st.

Brother Mhenlo
Frostmaw's Burrow
Click to buy!
The link is to the sell thread for the daggers, I hope that's okay.
Sepulchre of Dragrimmar
(All photos contain only names of members in my guild of whom have given permission for use of their name)
We got this out of the chest at the end of Ravenpoint.
I'm loving these dungeons
^^ Way to go Anet!
I'm loving these dungeons

Got this from Frostmaw's Burrows chest just few minutes ago:
Geesh, I would have wanted a green.
I've completed 3 dungeons already, and only got diamonds and Onyx stones -_-
I've completed 3 dungeons already, and only got diamonds and Onyx stones -_-
I got 2 diamonds, I want that spear for my para ;_;
where exactly is this dungeon still havent been able to find it
EDIT: I found it
EDIT: I found it

i finished raven with a guildie all i got was an onyx gemstone...i dunno wtf it is :/ anyways was fun 

Vahn Roi
someone found onyx over a year ago, then after that no one said anything about it until they started dropping in GWEN. Probably the new useless material or counterpart to diamond.
thor hammerbane
Everytime Cynn gets off a met shower on like 10 of these things, I can't help but smile.
Everytime Cynn gets off a met shower on like 10 of these things, I can't help but smile.