Post your new GW:EN Armour!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Wellington, New Zealand

Guardians of Dragon Temple


Anyone seen Asuran/Dwarven male Ele gear?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Psuedo Halgoen
Avoc, what bow do you have equipped in those Screenshots? Its the collector bow

Whispering Siren

Whispering Siren

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


I know this was posted before, but the other image was of poorer quality and undyed. This is Ranger Asuran armor, dyed green+purple.

I was never fond of 15k drakescale, but I love this armor. It actually dyes quite vibrantly, I simply preferred this color to match the brown/silver tones.

Chicken of the Seas

Chicken of the Seas

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

California, USA

Vulpes Velox [Fox]


Does anyone who has gotten the monumental armor (vanguard) mind sharing their tips on how to gain so many points?

Ancient Dragoon

Ancient Dragoon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006


PhD [Teh Academy]


I find it pretty easy to just go out get the blessings and walk around killing in a siege devourer.

Draak Calinca

Draak Calinca

Lol wat is retirement :)

Join Date: Jan 2007

Washington State.

IGN: Wydz Luvs


out of which town? prolly dont got it, as i'm not very far into GW:EN yet

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by axe raider x
heres the male dwarven sin armor

Wow, anet really didn't try hard at all did they? The gloves and boots don't even match the rest of the set

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


Where are all the necros? :O



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


I wasnt too impressed with any of the female monk armours, but I bought the dwarven armour anyways. It's somewhat growing on me, I think what bugs me most is the pants I don't like capris >.>

Dwarven Dyed White.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


cant sit and pretend the odd mismatched reskins aren't a tad disappointing and rushed looking. :/

I'm definately getting those glasses though, they're just awesome

X Cytherea X

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by axe raider x
heres the male dwarven sin armor

how do the gloves dye? is the silver part permanent?

on the boots, i assume the metal part is permanent, and also the black part on top of it and the black sole on the bottom?

also, can you post a back view? thanks in advance.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

In a single grain of sand...

Liev's Death Squad


Could someone post an image of Warrior Dwarven Armor Male from the side? I'd like to know how the head piece looks from the side, it's hard to tell from the front pictures posted here. Thanks in advance

African War Lord

African War Lord

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

Why give us armours that look worse than previous campaigns? factions and nightfall stepped it up a notch but what is all this horrible stuff I'm seeing? so far there was one female ranger that looked cool to me that's it.

beyond disappointed so far.. is there an end game 15k set atleast?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2007

Marhan's Grotto.

[DP Nuu, sicko. Not that. Divine Perfection.


Originally Posted by African War Lord
is there an end game 15k set atleast? Yeah. There's an end game armor.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes of the Horn


Originally Posted by Ember010
cant sit and pretend the odd mismatched reskins aren't a tad disappointing and rushed looking. :/

I'm definately getting those glasses though, they're just awesome I have to agree whole heartidly with this. The only armours that are remotely of interest to me are ones that I already liked, but now have slightly different skins that are bareable. The main one here being the female ranger armour. I liked the long coat from ancient but hated the scarab and all the...whatever the hell they were on the gloves and the right shoulder. Now, they've gone and reskinned it, at least 3 different ways so there's probably something I'll like there...probably the dwarven.

The other is the asuran female paragon leggings which are the same as the elonian which I already have, but with, again, another skin which might work well with my ancient raiment.

Oh, and the glasses. My monk so desperately needs a pair of the dark/sunglasses that I abandoned playing though GW:EN with my primary assassin just to get a pair. Only 13k more rep to grind and they're mine! MINE!

Stranger The Ranger

Stranger The Ranger

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

Those Netherlands

Dynasty Warriors [DW]


My brother's Mesmer, Illusion Of Lompo, Asuran armor dyed black (the gloves are 1k Enchanter's)

Fox Reeveheart

Fox Reeveheart

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


none q.q


Originally Posted by Audrinuh
Yeah. There's an end game armor. What is it called? I asked this before on another thread with no answer o_o i havent seen any pics



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Tyrian Explorers League


Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
What is it called? I asked this before on another thread with no answer o_o i havent seen any pics All the pieces have different names, people are referring to it as Dwarven armor (and it's listed as such on the wikis).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Y.T.
looks like reskinned ancient cat and fow boots+gloves.... thanks for posting it - 1 less armor to buy Not one week ago, I specifically remember saying to someone, "I absolutely love the Ancient ranger jacket, but the arms and boots are a visual abomination."

In my opinion, a reskin seriously worth doing.

Hollow Gein

Hollow Gein

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007

Menos Espadas


Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Where are all the necros? :O LOL...been wondering that about myself. I've seen the the Norn one posted but no others. Last night in Rata Sum I saw the Asura necro armor. Think 15k Luxon..piece for piece....reskinned. Suffice it to say, I didn't buy it seeing as I'm already wearing 15k Luxon.

Sir Seifus Halbred

Sir Seifus Halbred

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Will we ever get a response from Gaile on the armor reskins? I hope so!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


If Gaile did say something about it, I'm sure it would sound a bit like this:
Originally Posted by Hypothetical Gaile
Game developers need to be efficient with resources when on a schedule. There have been reskinned armor sets as far back as Factions. These are not placeholder armor sets, so there will be no changes to them.

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


Maybe they will rehash some of the sets at a later date. I heard 15k Glads didn't always look the way it does today (no I am not refering to the fact that they added a helmet to the set)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Twenty Gold For Mountain Troll [Tusk]

Asuran necro, fully reskinned 15k luxon...

Only good thing with this armor is that it looks like it'll dye well. (notice all the grey parts)

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


^ that > 15k Luxon



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Maybe they will rehash some of the sets at a later date. I heard 15k Glads didn't always look the way it does today (no I am not refering to the fact that they added a helmet to the set) They did not "reharsh" the 15k glad set. It was just not implemented. So when you bought it pre-update, it looked like a 1.5k glad.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Stranger The Ranger

My brother's Mesmer, Illusion Of Lompo, Asuran armor dyed black (the gloves are 1k Enchanter's) Not bad!I'm fond of this reskin and the Necro



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

lf guild~


Mesmer Asuran

Reminds me of the elite noble, but has a much better look. Dyed red btw.

King Kong

King Kong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Any female mesmer armor been posted yet? Im on the lookout for some new armor

*edit* didnt see above lol


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

In a single grain of sand...

Liev's Death Squad


Sorry for reposting this but can someone post Dwarven Warrior Male armor seen from the side? If you see someone wearing it please screenshot it and post it here. Is it like Primeval armor with the points sticking out the back or is it just flat?

And that mesmer armor looks great, one of the few GW:EN armors I like.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by HolyHawk
Mesmer Asuran

Reminds me of the elite noble, but has a much better look. Dyed red btw. That's gorgeous ^^ Again, the glasses are an excellent touch.

Miss Eisei

Miss Eisei

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

In The Scribe October 19, 2006

[BrKn] The Brovian Knights


asura dyed red+silver, slim spectacles



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Oh GOD! I just looked on wiki and saw the monument armor for the female is just AMAZING. I must get it...sorry, I am so freaking excited....Im getting it immediately!!!!!!! Ahhhh! With the monument armor, the necromancers finally have HEELS! YAY!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006



Monument Armor.

It's not bad, comparing to other male assassin gw:en ones. But still quite poor compare to other campagins.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Do spectacles have AL ? or do they have 0 def likfe festival hats ?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006


Straight Outta Kamadan [KMD]


Originally Posted by Lilanthe
Do spectacles have AL ? or do they have 0 def likfe festival hats ? They got full AL for your profession.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Twenty Gold For Mountain Troll [Tusk]

All of the new hats (head pieces) in EotN have an armor level



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Grenths Rejects [GR]


Originally Posted by Lilanthe
Do spectacles have AL ? or do they have 0 def likfe festival hats ? I believe they are profession specific like hero headpieces. So paragon spectacles have base 80 and give +1 to whatever type of rune you stick on it. And the casters have base 60 and have the same property. Imo, I loved how the hero headpieces worked, but for others who like to have unconventional attributes, it may make them whine.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


Phantom Commando


Originally Posted by CasterOfShame27
Oh GOD! I just looked on wiki and saw the monument armor for the female is just AMAZING. I must get it...sorry, I am so freaking excited....Im getting it immediately!!!!!!! Ahhhh! With the monument armor, the necromancers finally have HEELS! YAY! Wow yeah..

now i am torn between that armor and the asuran... and i already got 19k asuran faction.. hmm..