Cant get past Boreal Station...thx to game crashing



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2007

I've tried multiple characters. I've tried going from all 3 chapter departure points. Nothing works. the game crashes every single time...seems like it happens when I get near the Norn. I can load into Boreal, then I can map out to any other location in the 3 full chapters, but minute i set foot outside of Boreal, game crashes and I have to reboot. Its been happening all day.

Gotta love these weekends where the shoddy ANet coding rears it's ugly head

lynn yi

lynn yi

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007

Gods Elite Knights


It's the issue that gwen is having with certain graphics cards. I have the same problem with my Intel graphics card. Luckily I have a laptop that has a different card that lets me get around that, but it's hard to play on a laptop and it hurts my hands and wrists


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005



I am having exactly the problem lynn yi is describing. Ever since I unlocked Gwen on my laptop with Intel graphics, just about any interaction with Gwen (opening skills & attribs with her in my party, cinematic with her in it, etc.) crashes my computer with a BSOD.

I sent in a support ticket; maybe ANet can fix this problem.