A Thread

Saint Echo

Saint Echo

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006


I left the game for 10 weeks, (not by choice). I returned after the absence and found my account password would not work. I tried to reset my password via the NC account i had but that would also not work. I contacted NC and was issued a new password and continued to fix my problem. After all passwords reset,I loged in.All my Characters gone,and my account screwed.Thinking this was a result of the password change on my part i contacted NC again. They said,"Its a glitch" start the game over and try again. I did that and results same. After a really bad day i went to bed and woke to try again.I checked emails(as i had been gone for a day or so) and found that there was an email i missed.It claimed that there was a password change to my account on 8\20/07..(i was not in my home at that time let alone this state.) It was below the email i had gotten from NC about the pass reset that i had had to do to correct my previous pass errors.(i didnt notice it at first)
Contacting NC about this ( via several Phone calls and emails,Thanx Matt) I was finally told that there was nothing that could be done to retrieve the Characters that were Taken from me.Im OK with that. I provided NC with the email a that had the IP of the false password change. Again i was told the same thing "Nothing we can do".

I had 2000+ hours on this game and was even interviewd and quoted by msnbc Raving about NC and the game.

IM not complaining about the loss of work or effort to be a part of this Fantastic community. My complaint is... They are Apperantly not whilling to persue the thief. I can rebuild my account in my "off time". But the one that did this will most surley do it again as they are going to get away with this hack.
Im sorely dissapointed in the service i reciieved and the replies to this i got. This is not the trate of this company im sure!

Make no judgments :My account name and pass were uniqe to this game and none outher.This error was the work of someone either Very lucky or very talented.

my point: Trust no one, Gaurd your account with all ernest.

Dont let this happen to you

Saint Echo