Now with the "Party Search" system in place that can easily search across multiple instances of the same outpost, is it possible to reduce the maximum # of people at each outpost instance to reduce lag on each one?
Every Eye of the North bigger towns have the entire radar filled with blue dots that brought the whole thing down to 1~8 fps.
Even trying to click the quest npc and/or the storage box is a big mess.
Reduce max # of people at each outpost instance
Well, Eye of the North will be laggy for the first few weeks since everybody is gonna play that game.
Just be patient and it'll blow over.
Just be patient and it'll blow over.
Diddy bow
No thanks, i like alot of people in an outpost. And it deosnt really matter if it laggs a bit in there

I noticed a similar number of people in other outposts in GW:EN and I've never seen it like this unless there were other things causing lag (like my ISP experiencing a lot of packet loss), so I'm thinking that the lag is caused by some defect in the town itself which is only noticeable if you also have enough people there. Maybe because the eye is just an open space meaning you have to render everyone, while other towns have obstructions so you don't need to render as many people.
I'd say file this lag as a bug, and hope ANET fixes it.
I'd say file this lag as a bug, and hope ANET fixes it.
I had to set Polish as my default district, to load faster.
Tons of characters with tons of different armos are hell to my poor 512Mb Ram.
But I don't care about being in place filled with people, only about load.
Tons of characters with tons of different armos are hell to my poor 512Mb Ram.
But I don't care about being in place filled with people, only about load.