Best place to grind for Norn title?
The Great Al
Anyone have any spots that they'd be willing to share?
when i hav time i do curse of the nornbear. 500 norn rep pts, 10 -15 mins and quite easy
The Great Al
Also, I mistakenly put this in the wrong forum..sorry
Also, I mistakenly put this in the wrong forum..sorry
outside ogdendon you get the blessing, kill everyone and then go to the 7 shrines and get a bonus of 140 points each. theres more then 400 monsters there but lets not forget the bonuses every 25 most of em are get twice as much you gain 2,000 points each time
Curse of the Norn bear is what I did, up rank 5, almost 6.
Dont wast time... wait for HM boost... 2 hours points farm today = 10 min HM farm in the future...
Originally Posted by Tarkin
Dont wast time... wait for HM boost... 2 hours points farm today = 10 min HM farm in the future...
I'm too busy with life to do this so I won't get further then rank 3 before the event ends.
Originally Posted by Tarkin
Dont wast time... wait for HM boost... 2 hours points farm today = 10 min HM farm in the future...
and grinding became fun when?
I is confused... i thought Guild Wars was the game we didn't NEED to grind in
I is confused... i thought Guild Wars was the game we didn't NEED to grind in
Grinding for titles is (one of) Anet's answers to level 20 post-game content, which is unfortunately ironic.
Originally Posted by Rhys
Grinding for titles is (one of) Anet's answers to level 20 post-game content, which is unfortunately ironic.
I'm one of those that although i have over 5000 hours on my account i haven't grinded anything and only have my sodding black moa to show for my four characters...
EDIT: Ok, I must say I do love my Black Moa though, i adore it, but shit, if i get a black moa mini pet pet to start GW2 with cos I didn't grind shit in Guild Wars, hell, i will give the shit up
EDIT 2: excuse the language, and hostility, but i am currently down with the flu and cranky as cynn (geddit?), but the hall seems like a lame idea to me