Phoenix Knights Templar[PKT] is recruiting


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2007

Phoenix Knights Templar[PKT]


[PKT] is a brand new Kurzick guild in guild wars. It is currently only myself and the leader(High Priest Draco). We both come from a history of badly founded guilds and clans, for both GW and other various games. As such, we know how to treat our members, exactly how we want to be treated.

[PKT] has a strong belief in having fun, after all, that's why you buy the games in the first place. We are helpful and always willing to lend someone a hand in any of the three games(four after GWEN comes out). We are skilled and are currently working to increase our faction(now at 34,500pts) and have a mostly full guild hall. We play in such things as, AB, PvE, and FOW.

Again at the moment, we are only two lonely people with a hardly founded guild, but with your help that can change. So i hope to see and talk to you in the game.