Trial Skills Idea



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2007




First off, let me say that I'm a relatively new player and haven't been to the more "elite" endgame areas like UW, FoW, Urgoz, etc., so forgive me if this idea messes with such areas. I'm also not a farmer or "pro-player" and don't have 800k to throw around.

I'm sure everyone's gone through the "looks good on paper, but not in battle" situation in GW. After buying many skills, the cost adds up and eventually you're strapped for cash with abilities which may not fit your playstyle.

My proposal is to create a "trial skill" system to slightly negate the increasing cost of skills and keep players from being frustrated by poor choices.

Here's how it works:

When buying a new skill, you have the option of trying a temporary version of it. The trial skill costs 10-30% cheaper than buying one permanently. This skill will only be active in the next explorable area the player visits and will delete itself once the player moves to another area (much like having two elite skills in a bar). A trial version of a skill may only be used once per character and they cannot be equipped on heroes.

Certain skills such as those which only recharge via morale boosts (they wouldn't be useful for playtesting anyways) and Sunspear Title Skills (which are free anyways) are exempt from trial skills.

I have a couple other interesting ideas for the game, but this one just came to mind recently.