Extreme Lag since event



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Melbourne, Australia

Morporkian Mercenaries


Hey guys,
I logged onto Guild Wars on Friday to enjoy the Preview Weekend, only to find everything loaded VERY slowly and I was consistently lagged out of the game. I thought this would end when the event did, but I still have massive lag in towns and explorables in Tyria with the event ended.

I have 2 computers and both have the same long loading time problem. Both are reasonably good, with the first getting 70 FPS average and the other 40 FPS. Unfortunately both are in the habit of getting 15k+ pings since the event.

My internet speed is 512/128 which was fine until the weekend started. I have checked with some guildies with the same speed internet are they are not experiencing any major lag problems. I have also checked with my ISP and they don't seem to be having any problems. My download speeds are very normal.

Things I have tried (but to no avail):
  • reseting the modem
  • virus and spyware scans (nothing)
  • Adding port forwarding to GW
  • Defragging
  • Updated video drivers
  • Finished downloading updates with -image

Unfortunately nothing has helped and I'm really getting frantic with GW:EN so close around the corner. Please help me if you can. I have a suspicion that it could be my modem/router because from Wednesday to Friday it didn't let the internet 'work' because apparently it had changed its password, only by ringing up our ISP did we find this out and could change it.

Thanks in advance (if there is any other information you req. please just ask)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Sydney, Aus


hey im getting similar problems, also getting pings of 27,000+, constantly atm, making it impossible to play, and I am on 1500/256, by chance is your ISP aanet?

TEB Elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007

California, USA


first things first are to reinstall the client, regardless if you ran the image command previously. Its excruciating but it usually fixes problems like this.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



I think I know what caused the lag. It's the defrag. DONT DEFRAG YOUR HD. (Cant tell you that I'm 100% sure though)

Looking at your post, OP, I realized that I too, defragged my HD 2 days ago. Ever since then I starded having terrible laggg.... Dont reintall your GW, it will take to long.

There was a forum post here a long time ago, about a little proggy that "cleans up" your GW.dat. If you can find it it might help you. It did wonders for me when i used it, but now I cant find it again.

EDIT: Nvm. I'm a dummy. I was talking about "contig" and it's right here in the sticky... I just used it and this time it don't help. Looks like Yoda here was right. It was foolish of me not to listen to master Yoda. After all, he's much wiser. I'm only a padawan... May the force be with you master Yoda. I'll go reinstall my client now.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Melb, AU


Originally Posted by Baker
hey im getting similar problems, also getting pings of 27,000+, constantly atm, making it impossible to play, and I am on 1500/256, by chance is your ISP aanet?
Same problem here, ISP through aanet too.

During the day time, GW usually runs fine, no lag, good ping. But when I try to log at night time, pings in the 10,000's. On one occassion my ping read 250,000. Having trouble atm too (currently 16.25 sunday) getting the game to run properly.

My PC was recently formatted, and the lag issue was occuring before the format.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Melbourne, Australia

Morporkian Mercenaries


No, my ISP is Exetel...same problem though except I get massive ping all day long...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Melb, AU


We've used "Pingplotter" and the tracert and "Pathping" functions from windows (suggested to use by support ticket replies from NCsoft), and we're suffering packet losses at a link past singtel.

For some some reason, we just can't get past singtel. But only during Aussie peak times for me (ie, week nights, although during the day over the weekend I was still unable to play).

The support from NCsoft has been ok, after variuos tickets back and forth, they can't help us anymore and said to take it up with our ISP, but our ISP doesn't want to take responsibility either.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

I Have Problems also with Lags since I Installed Gw en. Iam Living in Germany.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Squiggilyville. Population: Me.

[oRly] Hello Kitty Death Squad



problems like this?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

well then, im having much the same problem

ping plotter has been of no use, at 7th scan it has 100% PACKET LESS EVERY TIME

reading lots of these forums, but mainly this, i think i might be onto something

somebody here said they had recently installed gweotn and having looked at other peoples threads have found that they talked about eotn aswell

my brother has a computer upstairs which has eotn, but he got that a long time ago, where as i only recently downloaded it

could this be something to do with the files downloaded from eotn?
in the loading bar?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


You've been having lag since 2007? That is bad.

take a look at the sticky here and post in the thread we have for laggees here

Please try to check the thread date before you post