Asuran Prawn Stars (NUDE) looking to recruit...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Hey There..
First of all we are not a group of miscreants and deviants, the guild name was chosen as something funny, and to give players passing us a bit of a giggle. Can you see we don't take ourselves very seriously.

NUDE is a brand new guild looking for people to join our ranks, we are Kurzick, have a rather dashing Guild Cape, A Guild Hall complete with Xunlai Agent, Merchant, Balthazar Person. Oh and we have a couple of really mad, chatty, and above all friendly people, however we are getting lonely so we thought we would open house and see if we can make some new friends.

NUDE is totally informal, and was founded with not only with active players in mind, but with casual players in mind as well. There are no *amount of times* you play stipulations with the guild.
The founders are primarily PVE, however everything we do is for fun and frolics, we don't take the game or ourselves too seriously. I have done PVP and although I am not sparkling at it, I am always willing to join in and have a laugh.

Our vision for this guild is a place where lots of like minded people can just hang out and chat while in game, where even if you have no plans to play at all, your always assured a warm welcome in guild chat and can generally just pass the time of day with us. And hopefully have some laughs and fun along the way.

We will take all players that can speak english *only because we can only speak english lol* and although the founders are Brits, ALL nationalities are welcome.

Us Guild Founders are in our 30's and are a husband and wife team, my Mum is the Guild Leader and she is in her 50's, however she plays a lot more than we do as she is retired. However not only is she amazingly active on game *some would say obbsesively so, but it wouldn't be me <wink>*, she also actually likes helping people. A must we feel for a guild leader.

If we actually sound like your kind of thing, and you'd like to join to help us build our chatty, informal and fun guild, we would love to hear from you.
We are especially intrested in experienced mature/older players that would like to help us out with Officer posts.

Please contact myself here, or Misterial Melody, Bob Spoons, or Zanzara Faequin in game and we will have a chat and extend invitations.

Look forward to making some new friends..


EDIT: We will also have a nice website as soon as I have time to complete the artwork lol...