Not sure if anyone has posted anything about this yet, but even if they have, I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Anet for making it possible to change servers to look for teams now. I know that living in Australia, and I'm sure many other parts of the world where we don't have our own servers, it's often very hard to form parties with real people as there is simply no-one online doing missions. They're usually all asleep, or at work.
Making servers changeable now means that I can play with my guild (who are mostly on Euro servers, when I chose to play on American), but also means that I can finally team up with real people to play this wonderful game which has just made my gaming experience so much better.
Thankyou so much Anet. You rock!
Huge Thanks
I agree, I like it. Kinda brings more diversity between people, always fun.
the Puppeteer
so we can endlessly change servers from american to europe & vice versa?
I agree.
Struggling to find an Ascalon>LA run for a char the other day on US servers - switched over to Euro ones, had a look at the Party Search window, and found a runner in a German district in about 30 secs!
Very useful
Struggling to find an Ascalon>LA run for a char the other day on US servers - switched over to Euro ones, had a look at the Party Search window, and found a runner in a German district in about 30 secs!
Very useful
R!ghteous Ind!gnation
With the changes of the favor system... they should really just make it based on language spoken as opposed to geographical locations and have it all be international.
Personally, as a player from the beta days, I think this was one of the best updates in the game, although it's subtle, requiring an awareness and effort to benefit from.
Ideally you'd have all the Party Window display results from North American and Euro servers combined. You'd be transported to the other server upon their accepting your party invitation to join.
Ideally you'd have all the Party Window display results from North American and Euro servers combined. You'd be transported to the other server upon their accepting your party invitation to join.
I've noticed the changes, but haven't yet taken advantage of them. I have a question though for those of you who have switched servers.
Are you noticing a lot of lag when you connect to a "foreign" server. I always kinda assumed that the European players connected to a dedicated server located in Europe and the Americans connect to a server in America. If I switch over to a British or German district, will I now be connecting to a server half a world away?
Are you noticing a lot of lag when you connect to a "foreign" server. I always kinda assumed that the European players connected to a dedicated server located in Europe and the Americans connect to a server in America. If I switch over to a British or German district, will I now be connecting to a server half a world away?
mazey vorstagg
Amen, I have an American guild but I'm English, this means I can team up with them all the time and not have to go international.
1 up and 2 down
Yes, thanks Anet! This was an awesome update!
Mr. G
With the changes of the favor system... they should really just make it based on language spoken as opposed to geographical locations and have it all be international. |
This system is nice, I feel alot more free in the game now - gg anet
Originally Posted by TheRaven
I've noticed the changes, but haven't yet taken advantage of them. I have a question though for those of you who have switched servers.
Are you noticing a lot of lag when you connect to a "foreign" server. I always kinda assumed that the European players connected to a dedicated server located in Europe and the Americans connect to a server in America. If I switch over to a British or German district, will I now be connecting to a server half a world away? |
The best thing is for the first time in over 2 years my guild can now complete a mission without having to go International, and can easily jump districits to recurit new players and assist guildies.