Green/collector item givaway
I have the following items to give away:
Bansheh's Longbow (Given to Just Another Dude X) Lord Glacius' Staff (Given to Devine Shadowstrike) Milius' Eye (Reserved for Master Paladin N L) Suntouched Spear x2 (collector item, 15>50- one reserved, the other is still free)
To claim an item either leave a message here with your IGN or whisper me in-game (IGN Tobias Dalaran). Only one item per person, please.
Bansheh's Longbow (Given to Just Another Dude X) Lord Glacius' Staff (Given to Devine Shadowstrike) Milius' Eye (Reserved for Master Paladin N L) Suntouched Spear x2 (collector item, 15>50- one reserved, the other is still free)
To claim an item either leave a message here with your IGN or whisper me in-game (IGN Tobias Dalaran). Only one item per person, please.
I like to have the Milius' Eye if it's still open ^^
IGN: Master Paladin N L
IGN: Master Paladin N L
Quick update- someone requested one of the spears in-game, but since I was in a mission I couldn't give it to them. After I finished the mission I logged off, the spear having completely slipped my mind, and I hadn't saved the IGN. >.< I'm back online now, so if you'd whisper me again I can give you the weapon this time. Sorry about that :P
ill hav the spear please m8
IGN: Jonny Hodges
IGN: Jonny Hodges
Curlacks wrath
Not sure if you still got one - but i'd love a sunspear - as i just mad a new paragon!
Suntouched Spear
Adara Callia
Adara Callia
Suntouched spear please if ones still available.
IGN: Addrin O
IGN: Addrin O
other spear PLZ
ign:Fiery Doom
ign:Fiery Doom
ill take the other spear
IGN:Wisdom Of Pain
IGN:Wisdom Of Pain
captain ocelot
Ill take the 2nd spear
master chief matt
ide like to claim second spear please
lol so many ppl want the spear if its still there ill be happy to take it
can i have the last suntouched spear? thx
IGN Kcinic of Illusions
IGN Kcinic of Illusions
Oy, I didn't think I'd have to do this, considering this thread is a month old. All the stuff I was given away was claimed long ago, so please stop PMing me!
ill take other spear please
new ign is Shadow Nehgro
new ign is Shadow Nehgro
Suntouched spear please
IGN: Shiro Monkachi
IGN: Shiro Monkachi
1 of the spears pls
IGN: LazloW warrior
IGN: LazloW warrior
I'll take the spear plz
Phoenix Tears
if its still there, ill take the mlillius eye please
*updating this here would be good, its ever a bit irritating, when a thread has lots more answers, then items are there to be given away*
IGN Artemis Gryffindor
*updating this here would be good, its ever a bit irritating, when a thread has lots more answers, then items are there to be given away*
IGN Artemis Gryffindor
Big V
i'll have a suntouched spear please
IGN: I Verceus I
IGN: I Verceus I
can i have Suntouched Spear? pls? ign bodoms hearth
The Freaker
If u have any left can i have them then???
IGN: The Freaker
IGN: The Freaker