Well yesterday I could log on, but when I arrive from school today and try to log on, I get error 058.
Well I tried doing everything that PlayNC's website said that would help (basicly the same as what says here), but it still won't work.
I only got this game two days ago btw.
Any suggestions??
Problems with error 058
I had error 58 and fixed it by renaming the gw.dat file in the guildwars directory to gw.old so I think it got corrupted somehow. It took a while to download again, but I was able to connect with no problems since then.
The NC website says that err 58 is a network problem, so i don't know why deleting the data file would change it, but I'm not arguing with the results.
The NC website says that err 58 is a network problem, so i don't know why deleting the data file would change it, but I'm not arguing with the results.