Too Many Minipets... lol :(
I customized it too lol =[
Thanks...I will try and remember that life saving piece of information.
And the point of this thread is...?
Originally Posted by CyberMesh0
And the point of this thread is...?
1 up and 2 down
This guy probably thought this was a rare thing, so he decided to post it here.
Never got the message so yes, and it made me laugh so I thought I'd share it.
Its ok, you made me laugh too. Thank you
Bryant Again
Wow I totally forgot it did that. I remember in my whiney-postin' days how I thought this was a big deal, lol.
Neo Nugget
yeah 20 minis seems like barely anything. But i only see that during holidays.
Mad King Corn
Why would anyone want to customize a mini-pet? I did not even know it was possible except with the Hall of Monuments, even then, I don't understand why anyone would limit a mini-pet to one character.
*stares blankly at mirror*
I wish I had problems like you.
EDIT: I thought you were talking about YOU having too many, now that I see the actual point of this thread (none), I find myself smiling.
I wish I had problems like you.
EDIT: I thought you were talking about YOU having too many, now that I see the actual point of this thread (none), I find myself smiling.
This Thread Is IMPORTANT!!!
I wish i had problems like you!
I wish i had problems like you!
thread ressurection, where?
Theres a limit on how many mini pets can be out in a district. This is old and this thread is pointless.