Problem with GW loading :(
Hi, I was on my archer...i loaded the map "Wehhan Terrace" it went to 100% and then it said like "Guild Wars has encountered an unrecoverable graphics driver error and must terminate." I went on my other chars and i went to other places not Wehhan Terraces and it worked fine..I don't know whats the problem. I have Direct 9.0,Intel Extreme Graphics, 512 MB RAM. Can someone please help me? I was thinking buying GW:EN when it comes out but i guess not anymore since it gives me error like this one

Anyone wanna help? :S
Grab the most current version of your video card driver from intel.
You don't happen to know which Intel Extreme Graphics - the model of it do you?
You don't happen to know which Intel Extreme Graphics - the model of it do you?
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
Grab the most current version of your video card driver from intel.
You don't happen to know which Intel Extreme Graphics - the model of it do you? |
Name:Intel (R)82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller
Manufacturer: Intel Corportation
Chip Type:Intel (R) 82845G Graphics Controller
I gave my computer to the store guy so he could reformat so i don't know if the version is the new one and also it only happens to my archer :S but i didn't try to go to Wehhan Terraces with my other chars cuz they are not there yet. Thanks