Loss of Character Generated Sounds with GWEN


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

I have experienced a very specific problem - one which occurred when I installed nightfalls as well. A thread to answer this problem worked superbly but it has been deleted. The problem is very specific - character generated sounds such as a bowstring sound, casting spell sounds, footsteps are absent, however party member sounds (another PvP player, PvE player, hero or hench) all produce the proper sounds. This occured immediately after GWEN expansion was installed from disk (GW had worked flaylessly for months on end.) No error messages occur. Tech support has had me reinstall my "video driver" twice with no results. Also I seem to recall that this was fixed during my encounter simply by typing a command in "run box".

path followed by -dsound fixes this problem in case anyone else has this problem - just had to sleep on it