Why is the store a rip off?
Why is the store charging £21.50 for Gw en? It has no over heads to cover no sales staff to pay. Everything is automatic. I can buy the game from a local games store for £17.99 as I speak. A saving of £3.51. The store has staff, rent, electricity, rates etc to pay and can still offer me this deal. Anet you are a greedy shower of good for nothing capitalist neanderthals. Believe me that was the clean version. There is no need for this other than greed. If you want us to use the store set competative prices that relate to the real world. I for one am now having second thoughts about giving you anymore of my cash. I know some of you came from Microsoft but there's no need to start acting like it.
£21.50 is a rip off? RRP is £24.99.
Riot Narita
Jeez. not this again. It doesn't matter what A-Net charge in the GW online store... retailers will ALWAYS undercut them. And therefore people like you will ALWAYS come here moaning that A-Net is "ripping you off".
A-Net is NOT ripping you off, it's your local retailer that is giving you a discount, undercutting whatever price A-Net sets. If A-net dropped the price in the in-game store to 17.99 right now, the retailers would drop to 14.99... and you'd STILL whine that A-net was ripping you off.
If you buy from the GW online store, you get the bonus missions later. If you don't think those are worth £3.51, then buy from your local retailer. Your choice.
A-Net is NOT ripping you off, it's your local retailer that is giving you a discount, undercutting whatever price A-Net sets. If A-net dropped the price in the in-game store to 17.99 right now, the retailers would drop to 14.99... and you'd STILL whine that A-net was ripping you off.
If you buy from the GW online store, you get the bonus missions later. If you don't think those are worth £3.51, then buy from your local retailer. Your choice.
My point is the store is not competative with the high street when it should be. High street stores might buy in bulk, offer the game at a discount. It might even be classed as a loss leader. The online store has no CD or packaging to contend with eating into it's price, therefore it's price should be more competative. As for £21.50 being a rip off for an expansion for that is what gwen is. Yes in my Opinion it is . Anything over £20.00 is poor form. And as No one has yet seen these extra missions no one can judge the true value. The value in them sits with the individual. but I see at Guru I am on to a loser trying to discuss this point.
If you don't like the prices, don't buy it from the online store.