Code 040
Well Im just e/a farming scar eater when I get this code 040 when I try to zone into vasburg and says I cannot get in or something wait a few minutes...and its been going on for 10 minutes now...
Any ideas whats wrong?
Any ideas whats wrong?
not a clue, but iv got the same problem as of about 10 min ago too...
Same for me,usual monthy err40 spate i guess
Fyrelle De`Wynter
Yep, same here.. was zoning into Traveler's Vale..
same here, just after the new build
Chicken of the Seas
It sucks, especially when your deep in the lvl's of a dungeon. I keep getting this annoying err40 and now err7's as well.
Oo Lara Croft Oo
same problem for me too, going into melandrus hope
It causes a roll back each time you finally get connected as well. Very annoying.
It's working fine now, for me at least
yeah the roll back is annoying. i map to an outpost, sell some items, put some things in storage, walk through the town portal, and get error 40. After a few attepts to reconnect, i finally get back on and im in the town with all the items that i had just merchanted in my inventory . . .Started happening since the recent update.
Same for me. Trying to zone in to Fort Ranik and got logged out. Couldn't log on any character. I'm sure it will eventually work again. Probably some kind of GWEN related hiccup.
Yeah I just got kicked out of a quest I was doing with my husband on the same broadband connection. When I tried to log back in I kept getting the 040 error. When I did eventually get back in, there was no option to rejoin so my husband was left with just his heroes all alone. We were doing a GW:EN quest. This is the second time I've been partway through one of these and had the game screw up and it's only been out 2 days. Lol
Working for me now.
I got a 040 when I tried to zone in pre and got rollbacked :/
Sucks tbh. Well luckily I didn't do anything big.
Sucks tbh. Well luckily I didn't do anything big.
Almighty Burritos
I was farming on meh monkie and I got this err40 crap. I log back on to find that half my drops were missing...I blame Lord Onrah; If he can't have his sword, NO ONE CAN!!! /fistshake