Extreme rubberbanding and lag, but low ping?
I'm having a very strange problem. I'm rubberbanding alot, and other players look like they're teleporting around to me, rather than running/walking around. Even my heroes and minipet look like they're teleporting around. Anybody else having the same problem? or know what might be causing it? I'm on Verizon FIOS internet. Ingame ping shows 100s. Didn't happen during the preview weekend, only during the final release.
I Arawn I
Check your FPS It looks like more graphic problem of some sort. I got the same but also dont have idea what is the reason. After short time my ping goes around 60-100 but still its hard to play
Fixed the problem - Turns out my overclock was no longer stable with the heatwave going on in California. Lowered 200 Mhz and everything is smooth as it was before.
TEB Elite
heatwave going on in California |