Stone Spike
5 energy
3 second casting time
30 second recharge time
Spell. Target foe and all adjacent foes are struck for 7...91 earth damage and are knocked down. This spell causes exhaustion. (Earth Magic).
It'll almost work like meteor except a spike will come out of the ground. So you can still avoid being hit with a speed boost.
Concept Skill: Stone Spike
Onarik Amrak
So, um, use Meteor instead?
5 energy earthquake basically;o
Squishy ftw
Originally Posted by Aera
5 energy earthquake basically;o
/lolnotsignedwtfbbq |
mazey vorstagg
Hmm, why is meteor 5 energy and yet almost the same as earthquake?
Originally Posted by mazey vorstagg
Hmm, why is meteor 5 energy and yet almost the same as earthquake?
It's a very valid point.. Fire magic and Earth magic have alot in common, they both have spells that damage adjecent enemys, aswell as good AoE spells and reasonably good damage spells, but Fire seems the more offencive and earth the defencive. I guess the reason being is a Ele with 9 fire magic and 9 earth magic could spam them both with duel attunement/elite attunement?.. But it's a good point why only fire has such a spell, i guess its because Earth gets AoE Earthquake so there is no need for another similar spell.
I think that Meteor can be dodged and it's only adjacted. Earthquake/Dragon Stomp is Nearby spell's location and it cannot be dodged.
/notsigned, because you can just use Meteor.
/notsigned, because you can just use Meteor.
So it's obsidian flame on a tiny AoE with a 6 times as long recharge? No thanks.
Oh, and it's alredy there. Meteor.
Oh, and it's alredy there. Meteor.
Well, you all say use meteor...
What if you don't want to use Fire Magic?
What if you don't want to use Fire Magic?