I suggest that it is made possible to polymock against other humans and possibly have a title for it. Maybe have a polymock town where you just enter mission and get randomly paired up with people or make bets with other people
mazey vorstagg
It's true. One on one norn fighting wouldn't work but polymock would be awesome!
might i also suggest 1 on 1 dwarven boxing arena or would that yust be silly
Any build that works particullary great?
they have stuff like rollerbeetle racing, so why not have this? More fodder for the gamer title track.
/signed a boxing arena and polymock arena would be the greatest thing anet could do, because it would add so much diversity to gw its not even funny, so you can collect pieces and do polymock or do dungeons, or pvp, or ab, or quest, or grind its got stuff for everyone
Also, have it give points to the gamer title (as the title for it). That way, that title will be open all the time, not just during holiday evetns.
I had my hopes up for Polymock being against real people.
/signed I was expecting all minigames to be pvp. It would add more play to time to the game as well as make the minigames more attractive to players who think its just a waste of time.