Petition for eagleish armour for all classes?
Anyone think we should do that? I think if we all could get armour that came close to what the eagle armour for the warriors is there be alot less complaining, that is one of the best armours I've seen in the game period.
You guys are not tired to create threaded about petition...
Sorry for double post.
Heh well I was just thinking instead of demanding reskins, or they fix the existing ones, I think something akin to the warriors eagle armour would be awesome, maybe a whole animal theme for each class, just a idea. The eagle armour is hands down the best armour with only 2-3 other armours *Dervish Norn comes to mind* that even come close to being as good, and they still have some distance.
Tiger - Assassin
Hawk - Ranger
Phoenix - Ele
Hawk - Ranger
Phoenix - Ele
As a whole, it's one of the worst IMO, from a male warrior point of view. Parts of it or the theme are ok, but the whole set is disappointing to me.
Originally Posted by wingzro
As a whole, it's one of the worst IMO, from a male warrior point of view. Parts of it or the theme are ok, but the whole set is disappointing to me.
As a set, it goes together much better then any of the other warrior armor in GWEN. Especially vanguard.
Mole - Mo
As I type this, seven of the first eleven threads on this section of the forum (discounting stickies) all have the word "armor / armour " in them somewhere.
Heh I forget I was more on Gamefaqs, but was there threads like this for Nightfall/factions?