Is it just me?
Mustache Mayhem
or is guildwars the only mmo where people have taken the time to make fake drops and fake weapons in photoshop to try and fool a mass amount of people.. I think it's hillarious how much work that one guy put into the whips and then recently the terror shield popped up.. too much
You should see WoW....
Or runescape, when dragon legs were faked everyone was fooled once, then when they were acutally released, well lets just say there wasn't a moment of peace at the offices of Jagex or the forums.
Mustache Mayhem
ha have'nt played runescape in around 3 years.. but I could see that happening in rs.. actually I might fake some pics just for the hell of it- just knowing there's a guy out there mowing down grawl watering at the mouth for a drop is worth it
Originally Posted by Mustache Mayhem
or is guildwars the only mmo where people have taken the time to make fake drops and fake weapons in photoshop to try and fool a mass amount of people.. I think it's hillarious how much work that one guy put into the whips and then recently the terror shield popped up.. too much
aside from that yes, people spend way too much time faking items, so much that people question real items... its intresting to see items like "Godly AK47 of noobs slaying" but sometimes it gets old...
Originally Posted by Hawkheart
You should see WoW....
Lord Of Losers
boredom gets to you i guess.
heh...that's a funny gag.
I wonder if anet will try to fool us for april 1st.
I wonder if anet will try to fool us for april 1st.
I pwnd U
that would be funny if ANet released "fake" weapons. ill use the AK47 example. if they released a wand that was named AK47, try selling that lol. that would be great.
Most of the people who think they're good at editing pics, aren't. Unfortunately, a lot of people can't tell that the pics are faked, so it's a mess.
nirhan shadowmauler
nah i saw some pics online of fake overpowered items for NoX once.
and people have faked MUD logs for years.
and people have faked MUD logs for years.
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by Inureface
Or runescape, when dragon legs were faked everyone was fooled once, then when they were acutally released, well lets just say there wasn't a moment of peace at the offices of Jagex or the forums.
That thread went SOOO long with almost every who read it fooled INCLUDED Galie

My Sweet Revenga
Originally Posted by Mustache Mayhem
or is guildwars the only mmo where people have taken the time to make fake drops and fake weapons in photoshop to try and fool a mass amount of people.. I think it's hillarious how much work that one guy put into the whips and then recently the terror shield popped up.. too much