Newbie requesting non-elite nightfall hero build

Kaelis Asur

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2007

Hi there, im new to GW, just bought nigtfall. Since it seems everyone plays through most of the storyline alone, i have to rely on my heroes to keep me company, obviously. I was okay at first, untill leaving Istan, but now, when in mainlad, im starting to have more and more problems with them. I tried experimentig with the limited options that i have, and just wasted a few hours. Then i tried research... well, all these possible/working combinations, primary and secondary professions, builds, different skills, synergies, attributes... theres just too much info for my unexperienced newbie head So i come to the forums, and again, im overwhelmed, not to mention that most hero builds seem to rely on factions and/or prophecies skills, which i dont have access to, so im even more confused.

Thus, i ask for help: If its not too much trouble, could someone show me some basic, non-elite, nightfall/core skills only hero builds? Or maybe teach me the basics? Or just give some hints? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

Im playing a dervish, hes more of a tank than damage dealer, but i can change the build if needed. As for heroes, i have Koss, Dunkoro, Melonni, Acolyte Jin, Tahlkora and Zhed Shadowhoof, but id also like to see some builds including Master of Whispers.

Thanks in advance for all the input



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2007

england (currently located on the south coast)


not entirely sure if these are only core / Nightfall skills but these are very decent non-elite skill'd bars


[skill]orison of healing[/skill]
[skill]healing touch[/skill]
[skill]shield of absorption[/skill]
[skill]shielding hands[/skill]
[skill]words of comfort[/skill]
[skill]dismiss condition[/skill]
[skill]vigorous spirit[/skill]
[skill]rebirth[/skill] - or another rez, not needed on monk bars but as your are a newbie may be useful...


[skill]savage shot[/skill]
[skill]distracting shot[/skill]
[skill]troll unguent[/skill]
[skill]whirling defense[/skill]
[skill]concussion shot[/skill]
[skill]apply poison[/skill]
[skill]rebirth[/skill] - or other rez
last skill up to you...haven't got GW up at the moment so can't remember last skill for non-elite bar ^^

haven't got GW open at the moment so bars are a big basic :P hope it helps slightly ^