I wanted to give an idea for changing guilds ranks. Currently, there is a Leader, Officers, and Members. A while back I promoted someone I thought I could trust. He or she kicked out all my Members. At that current time I was busy with other work and I could not get on. My other officers tried their best and finally had him or her banned. I was wondering if there could be a rank of “Co-Leader” and “General” above Officer so these kinds of actions would not happen on Guild Wars. If there could be one Co-Leader and two Generals this would never happen again. This has happened to many different guilds and it is a nuisance.
This is what my proposal would look like.
Leader -1 person
Co-Leader -1 or 2 people
General - 2 or three people
Officer - as many as there can be
Member - as many as there can be
Thank you and have a nice day.
-The Calvary Archer
Game Suggestion - Additional Guild Ranks
The Calvary Archer