First of all, Farming.
When I had some free time then I went to UW to farm some ecto, I was
rich, I was happy.
Bought minipets, my favorites.
Now, the farm is nerfed and when I have 30-60 minutes to play I choose
another game or help rookies in missions. I'm not so happy.

money, so I can't buy GWEN minipet.

the prices on ebay! (I swear that I NEVER EVER bought gold on ebay, just
checked the prices some time) Before the farming nerf, the gold was
cheaper than now. Now a little bit more expensive but the business is
going on ebay. And I guess there are people who buyes on ebay.
My idea is: you sell the money in your online store. I see you got pvp
packages and char slots. Introduce the money buying. If I need 100K I'll
pay you 5 or x dollars and I am happy. What is the problem with these?
Crashes out the market, the prices?
I guess not.
Just some rich people or that guys who want some pets or another stuff
they can buy it legaly. Not need to farm for hours or going to the dark
side and buying money on ebay. Maybe the chinese farming are decreasing.
In my opinion if I need a GWEN minipet and haven't got money i have 3
Farming hours or days, I wont buy the pet, or buy money on ebay.
BUT if you sells me money in your online store, 500k for x dollars? Who
cares. I'll buy with my VISA and I'm happy again.
You got some more money with these transactions and I guess these micro
transaction are the future. Some of my colleagues sharing my idea (there
are WoW players

Guild Wars Teams answer:
Thank you for taking the time out to write us with your suggestions. We
would ask that you please share your idea on one of our various fansite
forums: as members of our
team read these forums daily, and putting the ideas out there for others
to comment on allows us to judge feedback on a greater scale. We hope
this helps!
The Guild Wars Team "
What's your opinion about this? Is it a good idea or not?