Gaile, I got killed by a big rock.
Karia Mirniman
For the record. It came out of no-where. No red dots involved. It ran over my party from 'behind'. We were dead before I could see it. My chat thing said 'for me', something like, ‘oh look out a big rock, run’ and 30 minutes of effort going to someplace, was wasted. Oh I did get some whites (and a headache from the almost constant grunting from monsters).
Please, please, please, tell the individuals in the design team who think the rock idea is cool. That it’s not cool, it’s not funny, it’s simply pathetic.
Network failure and dieing due to lag is one thing, but designing this sort of thing into the game is beyond belief.
Please, please, please, tell the individuals in the design team who think the rock idea is cool. That it’s not cool, it’s not funny, it’s simply pathetic.
Network failure and dieing due to lag is one thing, but designing this sort of thing into the game is beyond belief.
Raiin Maker
If were you referring to is where i believe it is. (The Asura primary sub quest) then its supposed to kill you, and you receive no DP for that kill.
However there are loads of new traps all over GW:EN, boulders is just the start.
However there are loads of new traps all over GW:EN, boulders is just the start.
Seraphic Divinity
ROFL, the rock killed you
QQ moar and L2P
QQ moar and L2P
I don't recall any place where a rock would be fatal, or require 30 minutes of replay. They don't even give dp, and just about everywhere you respawn 5m away.
In that particular mission that rock is complete harmless, and at very best requires you to run through the already cleared area, or respawn at the beacon right after the tunnel.
In that particular mission that rock is complete harmless, and at very best requires you to run through the already cleared area, or respawn at the beacon right after the tunnel.
stop playing in first person and you would see this huge ass rock rolling at you...
then you move OUT of the way....
just a thought....
then you move OUT of the way....
just a thought....
Malice Black
Thought it was funny myself. Wait until the big snowball gets you

I had no problems running out of the way of the rock. MY HENCH did.
Further more when you die your party is not returned to an outpost. Rage quitters will not get far in GWEN and that is one reason I like it. Don't give up so easily... whatever you were doing you could have finished it.
Cherng Butter
Haha I actually had no idea what happened until half of my H/H team got bowled over (luckily I was off to the side?), even though I was zoomed out. Gotta say it was pretty funny and unexpected, I didn't mind at all
Malice Black
It owned my H/H..still it was funny. Snorting coffee ftw?
i never get killed before lol...but you dont get Dp anyway so cheer out
Dr Strangelove
Sounds like you got rocked by that mission. Maybe you shouldn't play while stoned, then you wouldn't take the traps for granite. Perhaps you should try again later when you're boulder and more mature?
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Snorting coffee ftw?
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Sounds like you got rocked by that mission. Maybe you shouldn't play while stoned, then you wouldn't take the traps for granite. Perhaps you should try again later when you're boulder and more mature?
I can understand the pain. The same thing happened to me. My party was almost completely wiped except for me and one other hero or hench. That wasn't the bad part.
The bad part was I was in the middle of a fight and most of the enemies survived. Outnumbered and with most everyone wiped out. That got a little dicey.
You want to talk about anger inducing? Try squaring off against a big old ARMORED wurm at the end of an hour or so of getting banged around by enemies, and realizing that the enemy had you at a one-shot, one-kill situation. You have yet to taste that bitter pill. Combine that with the frustration of dealing with an account that crippled... That meant going to the garage and bashing something in order to calm down.
The bad part was I was in the middle of a fight and most of the enemies survived. Outnumbered and with most everyone wiped out. That got a little dicey.
You want to talk about anger inducing? Try squaring off against a big old ARMORED wurm at the end of an hour or so of getting banged around by enemies, and realizing that the enemy had you at a one-shot, one-kill situation. You have yet to taste that bitter pill. Combine that with the frustration of dealing with an account that crippled... That meant going to the garage and bashing something in order to calm down.
T. Drake
The most distracting thing is, that they don't make sounds and the camera isn't shaking. (That must be the reason why this little warning message always comes too late
And it is annoying as hell to see your warrior heroes or minions die, although the (snow) ball isn't moving. (i.e. Frostmaw's Burrows, where they start to roll after you've killed some monsters)
It is still a great idea. Every classic dungeon must have such things
And it is annoying as hell to see your warrior heroes or minions die, although the (snow) ball isn't moving. (i.e. Frostmaw's Burrows, where they start to roll after you've killed some monsters)
It is still a great idea. Every classic dungeon must have such things
Zeek Aran
Wow, whining about this a bit too much? XD It's a cool and new thing for PvE and it doesn't cause DP. It seems to be your own mistake that caused your party to die. If it happens AGAIN to you, please come back and say so, so that GWG can flame you. I don't see any reason this should be removed.
The only thing that would be even funnier than someone getting run over by a giant boulder would be the scream of the player of a legendary survivor in the making. :>
Onarik Amrak
I knew someone would whine sooner or later. Boohoo
No DP and rezz shrines right around the corner.
I knew someone would whine sooner or later. Boohoo
No DP and rezz shrines right around the corner.
Funniest thread title ever!!!
NPC: Look out a giant rock!
PC: Where's a giant ro..*splat*
NPC: Look out a giant rock!
PC: Where's a giant ro..*splat*
Gaile Gray
Karia, I was also smited by the rock, but it's true -- it gives you no DP, and as I recall, my team ressed like 100 yard away. I could be wrong, but it wasn't anywhere near 30 minutes or replay. I can see an objection to this if it were causing DP or the loss of Survivor or a huge amount of replay, but my memory is that it does not. I'll check to make sure.
Dear Lord, Strangelove, I think you drank a couple of quartz of the sillies this afternoon!
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Sounds like you got rocked by that mission. Maybe you shouldn't play while stoned, then you wouldn't take the traps for granite. Perhaps you should try again later when you're boulder and more mature?

That rock owns.
And yes, I got my entire party wiped in the middle of a fight that happened right there. It still owns.
And yes, I got my entire party wiped in the middle of a fight that happened right there. It still owns.
You can't see me
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Sounds like you got rocked by that mission. Maybe you shouldn't play while stoned, then you wouldn't take the traps for granite. Perhaps you should try again later when you're boulder and more mature?
This seriously made me fall out of my chair laughing. I so rarely see word related humor these days.
Originally Posted by Seraphic Divinity
ROFL, the rock killed you
QQ moar and L2P |
let's see...
I was plowed under by that big rock...
I was squooshed by a huge snowball....(cute polar bear stood there and stared at me!)
I was made into roadkill by a fireball.
What have I learned from all this?

I'm loving every minute of the humorus aspects in GW:EN!
PvE Helpful Hint# 671: Norns hate cookies. They want pie.
I was plowed under by that big rock...
I was squooshed by a huge snowball....(cute polar bear stood there and stared at me!)
I was made into roadkill by a fireball.
What have I learned from all this?
I'm loving every minute of the humorus aspects in GW:EN!
PvE Helpful Hint# 671: Norns hate cookies. They want pie.
"teh rock ambushes from behind"
9 times at same place, and always killing only me, hench monk and devona
I think that rock hates me lol
9 times at same place, and always killing only me, hench monk and devona
I think that rock hates me lol
Bugs Bunny never had these problems...
Stolen Souls
I managed to dodge the rock in time. But poor Master of Whispers. QQ
lol xD
Sounds like you got rocked by that mission. Maybe you shouldn't play while stoned, then you wouldn't take the traps for granite. Perhaps you should try again later when you're boulder and more mature? |
I was monking for someone, two people 6 heroes. Here I am doing my thing, suddenly this builder rolls past, kills the other half of the team and just misses mine.
I couldn't monk properly after that, I was just laughing my ass off for half an hour.
Stop whining.
I couldn't monk properly after that, I was just laughing my ass off for half an hour.
Stop whining.
Now the next thing you need to do is follow the rabbit in Drakkar Lake...

Limerick v.01 beta
There was a large boulder in GWEN
That killed me again and again.
Got squashed like a duck,
Beneath a huge truck,
And now I won't enter that den!
There was a large boulder in GWEN
That killed me again and again.
Got squashed like a duck,
Beneath a huge truck,
And now I won't enter that den!
First time I saw a rolling snowball, I was able to avoid it along with most of my H&H team. Sousuke was the only one who, for whatever reason, was a bit slow to move.
I just about died laughing after it ran him down.
I just about died laughing after it ran him down.
it's kind of a stupid gimmick that adds nothing to challenge or gameplay
it's just......there.....rather pointless
it's just......there.....rather pointless
Roo Ella
Lol i laughed so hard the first time i got rolled over by this thing and it's wiped out my team
was just another very funny part of what GW is all about
like the Killer Bunny Lair.
You do hear it "Ping" so just move to the walls and hug em when you do
and you will be fine.
Indiana Jones eat your heart out.
was just another very funny part of what GW is all about
like the Killer Bunny Lair.
You do hear it "Ping" so just move to the walls and hug em when you do
and you will be fine.
Indiana Jones eat your heart out.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Sounds like you got rocked by that mission. Maybe you shouldn't play while stoned, then you wouldn't take the traps for granite. Perhaps you should try again later when you're boulder and more mature?
Ah, the big giant snowball. I saw one rolling around and thought... "Will this hurt me." I ran up to it, and sure enough, death.
I laughed at the silliness and ress'ed.
Don't take the game so serious... 30 minutes... really, cry moar.
I laughed at the silliness and ress'ed.
Don't take the game so serious... 30 minutes... really, cry moar.
I thought the random boulders were a great touch. It reminds me of the goold old days when I used to play Tomb Raider 
Now all we need is an awkward camera angle to throw off my movement control and it'll be perfect
Now all we need is an awkward camera angle to throw off my movement control and it'll be perfect

lol there are more rocks, there are big flaming balls, and there are huge as snow balls. If you complain about these rocks you wont like the game, lol.
Indiana Jones FTW!!!
Indiana Jones FTW!!!
I thought the boulder was pretty funny.
I purposely get squished by those big snowballs in the dungeons. and the boulder was just awesome! xD
I purposely get squished by those big snowballs in the dungeons. and the boulder was just awesome! xD
Q Q Moar