Well, as the title suggests, i need someone to help me test my idea. The skill it involves is GWEN, which i don't yet have
Ok, im a huge fan of Order of Undeath, coupled with an army of 1/2 vamp horrors, and 1/2 bone fiends, however the bone fiends are easier to summon quickly, and cost much more energy, so your pool can be wasted quickly. So, i was lookin at wiki and came across Masochism. With masochism, you gain 1..3 energy every time you sac health, with Order of Undeath, you sac health every time a minion attacks, so basicly with a good size army, your energy problems will melt away. This is of course my theory, so will please someone with gwen try this out and pm me?
my thought is:
Order of Undeath {E}
Vampiric Horror
Bone Fiend
Masochism ***
Blood of the Master
Taste of Death
Dark Bond
Im not a total MM expert, so if the last 4 skills aren't what the pros use now a days, let me know that too. Thanks
IGN: Pyra Fade
Have an MM idea, but cant test it, help?
Pyra Fade
masochism does not work with oou (except for the initial sac) since when minion attacks you lose health not sac health.
You use oou and spam botm but you don't have self heal? like mystic regen or monk healing skills?
You use oou and spam botm but you don't have self heal? like mystic regen or monk healing skills?
Moloch Vein
Pyra Fade
ok, i understand it wont work with oou. as for self healing, so long as u have half of your army consisting of vamp horrors, you more than make up for the health loss from oou. and even if you end up loosing too much health from botm in between fights, taste of death works.
And thank you for the link to the masochism discussion. didnt see that b4.
And thank you for the link to the masochism discussion. didnt see that b4.