How would YOU have made the HoM?

Daktarins Bane

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006



Upon playing around with the HoM, i do like the idea quite a lot, however a few niggles just keep annoying me. I'm sure this applies to many others, so, how would YOU have the HoM? For the sake of the hope that Anet may actually implement any of the changes you come up with, lets try and keep the modifications small .

Personally the way i would want things is:

Monument of Honor:
No changes to this as such, but a rather large addition. I would like to see, instead of a weird watery wall in the background, a tapestry of your own character. You would simply wear the armor/wield the weapons you wanted on display and then pick a pose from a list. No limitations on whole armor sets being worn, you could mix and match what you liked. In my opinion this would make the HoM feel far more personal and add a nice feel of nostalgia when we first start GW2.

Monument of Fellowship:
The obvious change i would have here would be for each statue to display the armor your hero has been upgraded with in order to allow you to display them - i worked hard to upgrade Razahs armor, and the artwork implemented by the Devs is fantastic - why not show it off?

Also the ability to choose each individual hero you want to display as opposed to a random shuffle button (that never gives the outcome i desire)

Monument of Devotion:
It really is a shame to see a Baby moa standing still staring into space when his animations are so detailed and imaginative. I would like to see all the minipets on display moving about as they do in an outpost. Imagine a full set of minipets on display strolling about.

Monument of Valor:
Well, i would like to be able to choose which weapons are on display, but i can see why its the way it is, so i'll leave this one be

Monument of Resilience:
Instead of having your armor displayed on your characters model, i think it would look far more professional to have a sort of 'armor stand' on which the armor you wish to display is worn. This way several could be displayed without clones of your character all over the place ruining the feel.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



I don't understand the Monument of Valor at all.

Collector Destroyer Weapons only? No. I would allow end-game Greens, and rare skins like Crystallines, Destroyer, Fellblades, etc.

I was actually very surprised, I thought there would be special red weapons that dropped in GWEN that would entered into the HoM, and these would come in limited skins.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007


I say any perfect weapon should be good enough to be in the monument of valor

And I'm spreading the different titles I have on my characters, I'm not interested KoaBD (until recently at least )
Sweet Tooth on my derv, Drunkard on my monk, Wisdom on my ranger, treasure hunter on my warrior, skill hunter on my ele. The mission and cartographer titles mean nothing to me, am I supposed to grind those to get the rest of my titles on the stand?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Honor Warriors


Originally Posted by Daktarins Bane
Monument of Honor:
No changes to this as such, but a rather large addition. I would like to see, instead of a weird watery wall in the background, a tapestry of your own character. You would simply wear the armor/wield the weapons you wanted on display and then pick a pose from a list. No limitations on whole armor sets being worn, you could mix and match what you liked. In my opinion this would make the HoM feel far more personal and add a nice feel of nostalgia when we first start GW2. Im guessing you dont have many max titles? When you get kind of a big deal a state apears floating there, and with each new rank the statue gets upgraded.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Exoudeous
Im guessing you dont have many max titles? When you get kind of a big deal a state apears floating there, and with each new rank the statue gets upgraded.
I have 21 max titles. I will have to check what you said tonight. Point I am trying to make is that the whole place is a bit clumsy to observe a few important things at this time.

What I would expect:

o Your character's toon on platform emoting "roar", "cheer" etc. Emotes can be of your choice. A Jora-like Big statue will be appreciated.
o A Spotlight on your toon to make it visible and prominent inside the room.
o Choose max 5 titles to display with small stoneblocks instead of clumsy "whatever" they are with boat pics.
o The statue of the creature representing your HA rank is shown next to your toon. (I saw a colorful phoenix flying around in my hall.)

o Allow a grid system to arrange heroes so that HoM owner can choose who to display and in what position on the platform.
o Show the hero statue with the upgraded armor set.

o Strolling Pets on the platform will look nice as OP said.

o Let the players choose what to display upto a pre-defined "max" number.

o I liked the introduction of my character toon on the pedestal. However, there are 3 "statue-me" in there. Can't complain but, would like to see armor racks only if honor pedestal is implemented the way I suggested.





Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Might find me roaming around doing missions in hard mode...or maybe I'm lost in the Underworld...



I'd kind of like a trophy case at the Monument of Honor so ALL my max titles could be shown, not just 5. The case would have a place for every possible title (so it might be kind of big), and trophies would be bigger the higher the rank (ie. pathfinder trophy is small, but grandmaster cartographer is big - but they would sit in the same place) with the legendary trophies actually being a sort of trophy base that the contributing trophies fit into.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Hiding in a cave in old Ascalon

i would like a giant statue of myself to rise out of the scrying pool via pushbutton.

and if no statue in the scrying pool, then i would like a shark in there

P.S. I think there is too much coddling in the HoM. I don't feel like a hero. i feel like i've paid a minstrel fifty dollars to sing my praises.

In the HoM i would rather see images or statues reflecting the positive changes to the lands and people in tyria, cantha, and elona now that i've completed those campaigns....instead of an empty weapon rack, koss in his ridiculous pose, a set of 4 minipets, and me in my awesome armor.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

Englishmen Don't Drink [Tea]


Would like non-max titles to be displayable, I really don't want to have to run around maxing out titles instead of playing the game.

Fellowship, actually show the animal companion you had at the time you put them in. Not have to have hero armour upgrades to put them in

Ability to put in any weapon you want into Valor

And resilience be able to put in all elite armour, for some reason my silver eagle won't go in