Empty Kilroy Chests?
Zeek Aran
I'm doing SF quests for the moa, and out of 'To Sorrow's Furnace', I just completed the Kilroy quest. Three chests spawned that took no key, and nothing came out of any of them. Wiki said they 'contain loot for the party' but I saw nothing on the ground, in my inventory, and if there was a direct gold/plat dump in my inven, I didn't see that either. Did my minions eat it all?
Arren Knez
h/h do eat up the chest, and they only drop 1 item like the chest in fow
Zeek Aran
... Damn.. then will I get the drop if I send them off radar?
This Happens even in fow and the weirdest one was with an 8 man HUMAN group. Rastigan is a scammer
Mad King Corn
Yes, if you send them off radar you will get drops.
Ranger Rog
Originally Posted by Mad King Corn
Yes, if you send them off radar you will get drops.
Originally Posted by Ranger Rog
I think they nerfed that too when loot scaling came in, I tried it and only got one item instead of the 3-5 they used to drop.
same just did it and was getting 2-4 drops per chest
just flag h/h
just flag h/h
Croco Clouds
flag works for me, but all bunch of runes...
Zeek Aran
Thanks for the advice, too bad I completed the quest before this. u.u
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
Thanks for the advice, too bad I completed the quest before this. u.u
Originally Posted by AscalonWarrior
Works for me
Does it even drop anything worthwhile anymore? It used to drop golds every so often but once they added flags and people started to abuse it I think it only drop purples?
Curar Partida
Originally Posted by Arren Knez
h/h do eat up the chest, and they only drop 1 item like the chest in fow
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Does it even drop anything worthwhile anymore? It used to drop golds every so often but once they added flags and people started to abuse it I think it only drop purples?
should drop everything though, got chaos axes from it ^^
Sid Doog
Originally Posted by Arren Knez
h/h do eat up the chest, and they only drop 1 item like the chest in fow